WoWManiaUK / Redemption

WoW-Mania - Redemption - 3.3.5 PvE Realm
52 stars 29 forks source link

same problem with rogue poison #6216

Closed thechillmaster closed 3 months ago

thechillmaster commented 3 months ago

Links: WoWScrnShot_040524_185006

i uploaded wronge ss

so here the right one, closed my thread before i can answer so 3rd time maybe the charm

the effect happens 4 5 time a raid ,u either /sit or use range to get back weapons

Maine1 commented 3 months ago

have you watched the videos I provided in the previous report? This is the 3rd report about this. I have tested with DBW nm and DBW HC on those videos and you see the poison still proccing after DBW procs and wears off.

thechillmaster commented 3 months ago

i said it happens randomly and not same time and during the fight some times ( doing 12 bosses and happens) . not happening all the time

if you can read what i said that would be great

Maine1 commented 3 months ago

I'm not here to be moaned at or accused of not reading what you said. I read very clearly what you said. I am stating the facts that poisons are still applying after DBW procs wear off. Which is your initial statement and reason for Reporting. This is not the case and it is still applying after DBW proc wears off. My testing from what I can see has been completed and fully checked for what you are reporting. Is there anything I missed that you would like me to check before closing?

Maine1 commented 3 months ago

For future reports image

46% chance. Although this is high it can still fall. to avoid use deadly poison IX on both weapons or use Shiv before deadly drops off!

Maine1 commented 3 months ago

Further to initial testing I wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything. So i did a 6:15 fight proccing all DBW buffs to check all the evidence. image image