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WoW-Mania - Redemption - 3.3.5 PvE Realm
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[Talent] Lock and Load – procs from Frost trap on snare-immune target #6231

Closed Greywolf59 closed 2 months ago

Greywolf59 commented 4 months ago

Lock and Load is currently triggered by using Frost Trap on snare-immune target, aka raid boss.

On patch 3.2.0 Frost Trap was changed: Spell frost freezingbreath [Frost Trap]: Will no longer "fizzle" on targets immune to snare effects, however Ability hunter lockandload [Lock and Load] will not succeed when using Frost Trap if the target is immune to snare effects.

Maine1 commented 2 months ago

Revert anything changed. Nobody confirmed this. We cannot confirm as mages use also TTW (Torment the weak) which also affects (Snared / slowed ) targets. TTW fire mages works on raid bosses also with invisible debuffs as slow affects on bosses. As is.

Greywolf59 commented 2 months ago

TTW works with debuffs slowing the attacks of the target which is absolutely legit. Frost Trap only slows the movement of the target and the boss movement cannot be slowed =cannot be snared

Maine1 commented 2 months ago

TTW says Snared or slowed, same as the tooltip for Lock n Load Snared is stuck in place, which frost trap doesn't do, only freezing arrow and freezing trap do snare

Greywolf59 commented 2 months ago "reduce a victim's movement speed" … "snares, such as Ice Trap or Earthbind Totem, and debuff-based snares (also called Slows), such as Crippling Poison or Piercing Howl." All those slow the target, do not make it stuck in place. = does not say anything about slow and snare, it only says target has to be trapped (meaning affected by the trap) for it to take effect. = "all enemies within 10 yards will be slowed by xy%" here the slow is meant as slow of movement, it does not affect the weapon speed. S Frost Trap is a snare (movement speed only debuff), bosses are immune to snares (movement speed debuffs), ergo Frost Trap can't trap the boss ergo the talent should not proc. But I am not going to argue about this further, not like anyone play survival and uses this tactic.

Maine1 commented 2 months ago

I completely understand what you're saying on the "snare" and I was just trying to gather more info ie "Proof" as such it should be or shouldn't be proccing, as per when we make a github post this information of proof is meant to be shared also. That being said because the tooltips blizzard created are not the best its hard to determine. I will leave this to Our dev team to make a decision regarding the matter. I just want to clear up this was never an argument only a discussion. I am here to help make the server better by getting things resolved that should be working 100% as intended, in the test team we are very thorough with our investigations to avoid any mishaps later. Thank you for your report Greywolf59

Echinaceax commented 2 months ago

hi @Greywolf59 as you know with reports we have to make sure that what players report is 100% before we confirm it. that is why reports made have to have all the relevent info and proof from a reliable souce explained here testers are not here to agrue and debate with anyone, we are here to confirm the report is correct before a fix is put through to the Dev's, we are currently speaking with Janitor atm on this matter. please bear with us. thanks

fvicaria commented 2 months ago

This won't be fixed at this point. We will re-open when more information is available.