Woahai321 / SeerrBridge

SeerrBridge automates movie torrent fetching by integrating Jellyseer/Overseer with DebridMediaManager. It listens to OverSeerr movie requests via webhook and uses DMM / Real-Debrid for efficient downloads. With features like persistent browser sessions and queue management, it simplifies media handling. https://discord.gg/Dy5xNzEHKw
MIT License
43 stars 3 forks source link

Fixed issue with opening Settings. (DMM updated settings to be a span on the main page) #3

Closed KRadd1221 closed 19 hours ago

KRadd1221 commented 3 days ago

Fixed background task defaulting to 'n' for running background task.

Replaced webdriver with undetected_chromedriver to avoid Captcha.

Added configurable settings for enabling background task. (Defaults to user input still)

Added configurable option for refresh interval.

Updated README.

Woahai321 commented 19 hours ago

Thank you for this! :) <3

I took most of all this, besides the UC.

I tried playing with it yesterday and couldn't get it to work for some reason with Docker.

Ended up going a different route.

Honestly, I'm not sure if the Cloudflare issue is that big as I have never seen it personally.

If I keep getting reports, I will look into this further.

I did go with manager though to avoid a path altogether.

I nit picked and am closing this.

Thanks again! 👍

Woahai321 commented 19 hours ago

@all-contributors please add @KRadd1221 for code and bug

allcontributors[bot] commented 19 hours ago


I've put up a pull request to add @KRadd1221! :tada:

Woahai321 commented 19 hours ago

@KRadd1221 if you make another pull for something small, or useless lol, I can merge it so you can be a proper contributor if you care at all 🤣

KRadd1221 commented 17 hours ago

haha no big deal, if I need to change something I will. I made those few changes to get something that works for me and just figured I'd share. Thanks for this though, it's a good alternative for me at the moment

Woahai321 commented 17 hours ago

@KRadd1221 Understood!

If you feel up to it, give this new release a shot and let me know if it works for you.

Thanks again! :)