Open mschlenstedt opened 1 year ago
Sorry aber hab keinen Plan. Kannst Du mir dies bitte kurz erklären. Gibt es schon eine Lösung?
in English (my German would be English with a German accent).
As far as I can see, the upgrade mechanism of Debian installs the newer version alongside the original dnsmasq file in /etc/init.d However the original version will not work due to the version differences with the upgrade to bullseye. So the recommended solution would be to check for:
I could have a try, but I'm extremely busy so that will not happen before september. PS - I do have to admit that I'm not an experienced Debian packager, so I would recommend checking this approach with the community.
I use the O.S. built-in DNSMASQ on loxberry for the Weather4Loxone plugin, so not the plug-in. After the upgrade to loxberry (and consequently Debian Bullseye), DNSMASQ stopped working as mentioned in the loxberry release notes. I noticed the DNSMASQ service was terminating with error code 3. After some trial and error I discovered that the /etc/systemd/system/dnsmasq.service config file was using an obsolete command: /etc/init.d/dnsmasq checkconfig. So I made following change to the dnsmasq.service config file (logged in as root with ssh terminal):
ExecStartPre=dnsmasq --test (<- replace with this --test command)
After restarting the service and reloading the deamons: systemctl restart dnsmasq systemctl daemon-reload
The DNSMASQ service now runs without errors. Note: I did not test all functionalities of DNSMASQ, but the redirect for for the weather4loxone plug-in now works correctly.
Will have a look as soon as I find some time. Maybe I can release a fix version for LB3
The plugin changes the Service File with an obsolete command. This is why the service file does not work in LB anymore.
The plugin should check for a new Service File and then install it and redo the needed changes. As described in the first post of this thread.
Ich kanns gerade nicht testen aber habe mal was programmiert. Ich setz mal ein 2er mit dnsmasq auf und lasse ihn auf 3 updaten.
geht nich
Das Plugin modifiziert im Daemon-Skript die Datei /etc/init.d/dnsmasq.
Beim Upgrade auf Debian Bullseye wird die neue /etc/init.d/dnsmasq, die mit Bullseye ausgeliefert wird, daher nicht installiert bzw. nach /etc/ installiert. Das alte Initskript aus Buster läuft aber nicht mehr unter Bullseye, daher wird dnsmasq nicht gestartet.
Lösung: Im Daemon-Skript auf /etc/ prüfen und die Datei installieren und erneut modifizieren.