Woersty / LoxBerry-Plugin-miniserverbackup

A LoxBerry Plugin
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 3 forks source link


Open TranslationBot opened 5 years ago

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago

This is an issue to follow changes in the translation files. Feel free to follow this issue if you are a translator. You can add / change the string in your language based on this issue to keep your language up2date.

Best regards Wörsty

[DO NOT close this issue]

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago

We are at v2019.5.5 now => messages below will show changes since v2019.5.5.

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 ERR_0060_CREATE_ZIP_ARCHIVE_FAILED="Error #60: ZIP archive creation failed. Please increase the Loglevel to 'Info' to have more details."
 ERR_0061_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_500="Cloud-DNS Error 500 => Loxone answered with an <b>Internal Server Error</b>. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0062_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_0="Cloud-DNS Error 0 => Unable to reach Loxone Cloud DNS Service. Will skip this Miniserver."
+ERR_0063_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_405="Cloud-DNS Error 405 => Loxone answered with an <b>Method not allowed</b>. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
+ERR_0064_CLOUDDNS_CODE_MISMATCH="Cloud-DNS Return-Code Problem => Loxone answered with an unexpected return code. Will try to proceed but please report this under git@loxberry.woerstenfeld.de"

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 INF_0140_EMAIL_ERROR_ONLY="and/or at least one error occured."
 INF_0142_TIME_TO_WAIT="Cloud DNS: Waiting until <wait_until>. [<time> left]"
+INF_0143_WAIT_FOR_RESTART="Cloud DNS: The plugin is waiting 5 seconds for Cloud DNS restart to be completed."
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL30="30 Minutes"
@@ -226,9 +227,10 @@
 ERR_0059_ERR_SEND_EMAIL="Error #59: Error sending eMail using"
 ERR_0060_CREATE_ZIP_ARCHIVE_FAILED="Error #60: ZIP archive creation failed. Please increase the Loglevel to 'Info' to have more details."
 ERR_0061_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_500="Cloud-DNS Error 500 => Loxone answered with an <b>Internal Server Error</b>. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
-ERR_0062_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_0="Cloud-DNS Error 0 => Unable to reach Loxone Cloud DNS Service. Will skip this Miniserver."
+ERR_0062_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_0="Cloud-DNS Error 0 => Unable to reach Loxone Cloud DNS Service. Will try again in 2 seconds."
 ERR_0063_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_405="Cloud-DNS Error 405 => Loxone answered with an <b>Method not allowed</b>. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0064_CLOUDDNS_CODE_MISMATCH="Cloud-DNS Return-Code Problem => Loxone answered with an unexpected return code. Will try to proceed but please report this under git@loxberry.woerstenfeld.de"
+ERR_0065_TOO_MANY_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_0="Error #65: Too many Cloud-DNS retries. Will skip this Miniserver this time."

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 INF_0142_TIME_TO_WAIT="Cloud DNS: Waiting until <wait_until>. [<time> left]"
 INF_0143_WAIT_FOR_RESTART="Cloud DNS: The plugin is waiting 5 seconds for Cloud DNS restart to be completed."
+INF_0144_RANDOM_SLEEP="Wait until <time> to prevent a Cloud DNS overload."
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL30="30 Minutes"
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 INF_0142_TIME_TO_WAIT="Cloud DNS: Waiting until <wait_until>. [<time> left]"
 INF_0143_WAIT_FOR_RESTART="Cloud DNS: The plugin is waiting 5 seconds for Cloud DNS restart to be completed."
 INF_0144_RANDOM_SLEEP="Wait until <time> to prevent a Cloud DNS overload."
+INF_0145_LOGFILE_CHECK="More than <number> logfiles found. Clean-Up started."
+INF_0146_LOGFILE_KEEP="Keep logfile"
+INF_0147_LOGFILE_DELETE="Remove logfile"
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL30="30 Minutes"
@@ -256,7 +259,6 @@
 LOGLEVEL_GROUP_FREAKS="Loglevels for Freaks"
 LOGLEVEL_GROUP_DEVELOPMENT="Loglevels for the Developer"

 SAVE_ALL_OK="Everything ok!"
 SAVE_MESSAGE="Configuration saved."
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 INF_0084_INFO_CRON_JOB_ACTIVE="Cron Job active."
 INF_0085_INFO_CRON_JOB_STOPPED="Cron Job removed."
 INF_0086_INFO_MANUAL_BACKUP_REQUEST="Manual Backup requested, ignoring interval."
-INF_0087_LAST_MODIFICATION_WAS="Last backup was <datetime> => age is <age> minutes. Interval is <interval> minutes."
-INF_0088_INTERVAL_ELAPSED="Backup interval time is elapsed. Start backup."
+INF_0087_LAST_MODIFICATION_WAS="Last backup run started at <datetime> => age is <age> minutes. Interval is <interval> minutes."
+INF_0088_INTERVAL_ELAPSED="Backup interval time is close enough or smaller. Start backup."
 INF_0089_INTERVAL_NOT_ELAPSED="Backup interval time not elapsed. Do not backup."
 INF_0090_BACKUPS_DISABLED="Backups disabled by config. Do not backup."
 INF_0091_BACKUP_DIR_NOT_FOUND_TRY_BACKUP="Backup directory not found. Try to make a backup now."
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
 ERR_0039_FINAL_STORAGE_NOT_WRITABLE="Error #39: The final storage location seems to be not writable."
 ERR_0041_ERR_CFG_CRON_JOB="Error #41: Problems when configuring the Cron-Job."
 ERR_0042_ERR_BACKUP_RUNNING="Error #42: Abort this program call because another backup seems in progess. If you think that's wrong, try a LoxBerry reboot or delete the file"
-ERR_0043_ERR_LAST_SAVE_INVALID="Error #43: The last backup time I've memorized is invalid. I use the current time minus interval instead."
+ERR_0043_ERR_LAST_SAVE_INVALID="Error #43: The last backup run time I've memorized is invalid. Ignore the interval and start a backup."
 ERR_0044_ERR_COPY_FAIL="Error #44: File copy process failed:"
 ERR_0045_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_SPACE_IN_WORKDIR="Error #45: Not enough free space in working directory: <workdirbytes> kB. Estimated backup size is <backupsize> kB. So we have just <free_space> kB free after the backup."
 ERR_0046_CLOUDDNS_IP_INVALID="Error #46: Cloud-DNS IP invalid:"
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
 TXT_LABEL_MSBACKUP_USE_EMAILS_ON="When a backup has been executed"
-LAST_SAVE_TIME_TXT="Last backup:"
+LAST_SAVE_TIME_TXT="Last backup run:"
 LAST_REBOOT_TXT="Last Miniserver Reboot and Version:"
 NO_LAST_REBOOT_INFO="Information not available"
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 INF_0145_LOGFILE_CHECK="More than <number> logfiles found. Clean-Up started."
 INF_0146_LOGFILE_KEEP="Keep logfile"
 INF_0147_LOGFILE_DELETE="Remove logfile"
+INF_0148_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_NUMBER="This is the different Cloud DNS request number <different_request> out of <max_different_request> allowed different requests today. (<all> sent at all)"
+INF_0149_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_MS_FOUND="Earlier Cloud DNS request for this Miniserver found. This seems to be request number <no> for today for this Miniserver."
+INF_0150_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_MS_NOT_FOUND="No earlier Cloud DNS request for this Miniserver found. This seems to be the first request for today for this Miniserver."
+INF_0151_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_NOT_FOUND="No earlier Cloud DNS request found at all. This seems to be the first request for today at all."
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL30="30 Minutes"
@@ -222,7 +226,7 @@
 ERR_0050_CLOUDDNS_PORT_NOT_OPEN="Error #50: Cloud-DNS => Port not open for Miniserver <miniserver>. Last update:"
 ERR_0051_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_403="Error #51: Cloud-DNS Error 403 => Forbidden to query Miniserver"
 ERR_0052_CLOUDDNS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR="Error #52: Cloud-DNS gives an unexpected error. Please report this under git@loxberry.woerstenfeld.de"
-ERR_0053_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_418="Cloud-DNS Error 418 => You were banned due to too many requests. Plugin will go to sleep until <wait_until>. Have a tea!!"
+ERR_0053_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_418="Cloud-DNS Error 418 => You were banned due to too many requests. Must skip this Miniserver until tomorrow."
 ERR_0054_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_SPACE="Error #54: Not enough free space on your selected backup directory."
 ERR_0055_ERR_READ_EMAIL_CONFIG="Error #55: Problem reading eMail configuration"
 ERR_0056_ERR_OPEN_TEMPFILE_EMAIL="Error #56: Error creating tempfile for eMail:"
@@ -235,6 +239,7 @@
 ERR_0063_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_405="Cloud-DNS Error 405 => Loxone answered with an <b>Method not allowed</b>. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0064_CLOUDDNS_CODE_MISMATCH="Cloud-DNS Return-Code Problem => Loxone answered with an unexpected return code. Will try to proceed but please report this under git@loxberry.woerstenfeld.de"
 ERR_0065_TOO_MANY_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_0="Error #65: Too many Cloud-DNS retries. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
+ERR_0066_CLOUDDNS_TOO_MUCH_REQUESTS_FOR_TODAY="Error #66: Too much different Cloud-DNS requests for today. Will skip this Miniserver this time."

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 INF_0149_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_MS_FOUND="Earlier Cloud DNS request for this Miniserver found. This seems to be request number <no> for today for this Miniserver."
 INF_0150_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_MS_NOT_FOUND="No earlier Cloud DNS request for this Miniserver found. This seems to be the first request for today for this Miniserver."
 INF_0151_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_NOT_FOUND="No earlier Cloud DNS request found at all. This seems to be the first request for today at all."
+INF_0152_NO_COMPRESS_COPY_END_FAIL="Copy procedure aborted due to an error."
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
-INTERVAL30="30 Minutes"
 INTERVAL60="1 Hour"
+INTERVAL120="2 Hours"
 INTERVAL240="4 Hours"
+INTERVAL480="8 Hours"
+INTERVAL720="12 Hours"
 INTERVAL1440="1 Day"
 INTERVAL10080="7 Days"
+INTERVAL20160="2 Weeks"
 INTERVAL43200="30 Days"
 INTERVAL-1="No backups"
 FILE_FORMAT_ZIP="Zip archive"
@@ -227,7 +231,7 @@
 ERR_0051_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_403="Error #51: Cloud-DNS Error 403 => Forbidden to query Miniserver"
 ERR_0052_CLOUDDNS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR="Error #52: Cloud-DNS gives an unexpected error. Please report this under git@loxberry.woerstenfeld.de"
 ERR_0053_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_418="Cloud-DNS Error 418 => You were banned due to too many requests. Must skip this Miniserver until tomorrow."
-ERR_0054_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_SPACE="Error #54: Not enough free space on your selected backup directory."
+ERR_0054_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_SPACE="Error #54: Not enough free space on your selected backup directory. I've calculated <need> + 32 MB, free space is just <free>"
 ERR_0055_ERR_READ_EMAIL_CONFIG="Error #55: Problem reading eMail configuration"
 ERR_0056_ERR_OPEN_TEMPFILE_EMAIL="Error #56: Error creating tempfile for eMail:"
 ERR_0057_ERR_WRITE_TEMPFILE_EMAIL="Error #57: Error writing tempfile for eMail:"
@@ -240,6 +244,7 @@
 ERR_0064_CLOUDDNS_CODE_MISMATCH="Cloud-DNS Return-Code Problem => Loxone answered with an unexpected return code. Will try to proceed but please report this under git@loxberry.woerstenfeld.de"
 ERR_0065_TOO_MANY_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_0="Error #65: Too many Cloud-DNS retries. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0066_CLOUDDNS_TOO_MUCH_REQUESTS_FOR_TODAY="Error #66: Too much different Cloud-DNS requests for today. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
+ERR_0067_PROBLEM_CREATING_FINAL_DIR="Error #67: A problem occurred when creating the directory:"

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 INF_0087_LAST_MODIFICATION_WAS="Last backup run started at <datetime> => age is <age> minutes. Interval is <interval> minutes."
 INF_0088_INTERVAL_ELAPSED="Backup interval time is close enough or smaller. Start backup."
 INF_0089_INTERVAL_NOT_ELAPSED="Backup interval time not elapsed. Do not backup."
-INF_0090_BACKUPS_DISABLED="Backups disabled by config. Do not backup."
+INF_0090_BACKUPS_DISABLED="Miniserver is disabled by plugin config. Skip it."
 INF_0091_BACKUP_DIR_NOT_FOUND_TRY_BACKUP="Backup directory not found. Try to make a backup now."
 INF_0092_CLEAN_UP_BACKUP="Deleting all previous backups (<cleaninfo>) but keep max. <number>"
 INF_0093_REMOVE_BACKUP="Deleting old Backup:"
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 INF_0150_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_MS_NOT_FOUND="No earlier Cloud DNS request for this Miniserver found. This seems to be the first request for today for this Miniserver."
 INF_0151_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_NOT_FOUND="No earlier Cloud DNS request found at all. This seems to be the first request for today at all."
 INF_0152_NO_COMPRESS_COPY_END_FAIL="Copy procedure aborted due to an error."
+INF_0153_SYMLINKS_AFTER_UPGRADE_OK="Symlinks recreated after Plugin upgrade."
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL60="1 Hour"
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 INF_0151_CLOUD_DNS_REQUEST_DATA_NOT_FOUND="No earlier Cloud DNS request found at all. This seems to be the first request for today at all."
 INF_0152_NO_COMPRESS_COPY_END_FAIL="Copy procedure aborted due to an error."
 INF_0153_SYMLINKS_AFTER_UPGRADE_OK="Symlinks recreated after Plugin upgrade."
+INF_0154_SKIP_ON_PREVIOUS_ERROR="Skip miniserver until <until> due to an previous error."
+INF_0155_NO_PREVIOUS_ERROR="No relevant previous errors, proceed."
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL60="1 Hour"
TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 INF_0069_DELETE_LOGFILE="Logfile deletion request for"
 INF_0070_CREATE_CONFIG_OK="No config file found but a default config has been created now. Please try again."
 INF_0071_CONFIG_PARAM_WRITTEN="Configuration parameter written:"
-INF_0072_ZIP_PREVIOUS_BACKUP_FOUND="Previous backup found. Reusing it and replace new files:"
+INF_0072_ZIP_PREVIOUS_BACKUP_FOUND="Previous backup found:"
 INF_0073_ZIP_NO_PREVIOUS_BACKUP_FOUND="No previous backup found. Creating new archive."
 INF_0074_ZIP_COMPRESSION_RESULT="Archive creation:"
 INF_0075_FILE_FORMAT="Selected file format:"
@@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
 INF_0153_SYMLINKS_AFTER_UPGRADE_OK="Symlinks recreated after Plugin upgrade."
 INF_0154_SKIP_ON_PREVIOUS_ERROR="Skip miniserver until <until> due to an previous error."
 INF_0155_NO_PREVIOUS_ERROR="No relevant previous errors, proceed."
+INF_0156_ZIP_SEEMS_NOT_TO_BE_IN_OLD_FORMAT="Reusing previous backup, update older and add new files:"
+INF_0157_ZIP_CHECK_BACKUP_FOUND="Checking previous backup which has been found:"
+INF_0158_ZIP_CHECK_BACKUP_OLD_FORMAT="Previous backup has the old format. Creating new archive. See https://github.com/Woersty/LoxBerry-Plugin-miniserverbackup/issues/91 for details."
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL60="1 Hour"
TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
-; Language phrases EN
 INF_0001_NB_LANGUAGE_STRINGS_READ="language variables read"
 INF_0002_READ_MINISERVERS="Reading Miniservers"
@@ -160,6 +157,12 @@
 INF_0156_ZIP_SEEMS_NOT_TO_BE_IN_OLD_FORMAT="Reusing previous backup, update older and add new files:"
 INF_0157_ZIP_CHECK_BACKUP_FOUND="Checking previous backup which has been found:"
 INF_0158_ZIP_CHECK_BACKUP_OLD_FORMAT="Previous backup has the old format. Creating new archive. See https://github.com/Woersty/LoxBerry-Plugin-miniserverbackup/issues/91 for details."
+INF_0159_CLOUD_DNS_FAIL="The Cloud DNS Query failed."
+INF_0160_CLOUD_DNS_OKAY="The Cloud DNS Query was successful."
+INF_0161_SERVER_RESPONSE="Response-Code from Server:"
+INF_0162_DOWNLOAD_SERVER_RESPONSE_NOT_200="Unexpected Response-Code from Server. Refreshing Cloud DNS information."
+INF_0163_DATA_BEFORE_REFRESH="Data before resfresh"
+INF_0164_DATA_AFTER_REFRESH="Data after refresh:"
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL60="1 Hour"
@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@
 ERR_0010_SOME_FILES_NOT_SAVED="Error #10: Some files not saved. Increase loglevel to Info to have more details. Failed:"
 ERR_0011_SOME_FILES_NOT_SAVED_INFO="Error #11: Problem during save of the following files:"
 ERR_0012_PROBLEM_CREATING_SAVE_DIR="Error #12: A problem occurred when creating the backup save-to directory:"
-ERR_0013_DIFFERENT_FILESIZE="Error #13: Unexpected filesize of saved file <file>. Server told me <ms_size> but I've downloaded <dwl_size>"
+ERR_0013_DIFFERENT_FILESIZE="Hint #13: Unexpected filesize of saved file <file>. Server told me <ms_size> but I've downloaded <dwl_size>"
 ERR_0014_ZERO_FILESIZE="Error #14: Zero filesize. Ignoring file:"
 ERR_0016_FILETIME_ISSUE="Error #16: Problem when adjusting file modification time"
 ERR_0017_REMOVE_FORBIDDEN_FILE_FROM_LIST_FAILED="Error #17: Problem when trying to remove forbidden file from list of files to backup." 
@@ -251,6 +254,10 @@
 ERR_0065_TOO_MANY_CLOUDDNS_ERROR_0="Error #65: Too many Cloud-DNS retries. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0066_CLOUDDNS_TOO_MUCH_REQUESTS_FOR_TODAY="Error #66: Too much different Cloud-DNS requests for today. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0067_PROBLEM_CREATING_FINAL_DIR="Error #67: A problem occurred when creating the directory:"
+ERR_0068_PROBLEM_READING_CLOUD_DNS_ADDR="Error #68: A problem occurred when reading the CloudDNS Address from LoxBerry General Config file."
+ERR_0069_CLOUD_DNS_REFRESH_FAILED="Error #69: Refreshing the Cloud DNS Data failed. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
+ERR_0070_TOO_MANY_DOWNLOAD_ERRORS="Error #70: The download of the file failed more than one time. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
+ERR_0071_TOO_MANY_CLOUD_DNS_FAILS="Error #71: Too many Cloud DNS query errors for this Miniserver. Will skip this Miniserver this time."

TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 ERR_0069_CLOUD_DNS_REFRESH_FAILED="Error #69: Refreshing the Cloud DNS Data failed. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0070_TOO_MANY_DOWNLOAD_ERRORS="Error #70: The download of the file failed more than one time. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0071_TOO_MANY_CLOUD_DNS_FAILS="Error #71: Too many Cloud DNS query errors for this Miniserver. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
+ERR_0072_CLOUDDNS_REMOTE_CONNECT_NOT_TRUE="Error #72: Cloud-DNS => RemoteConnect is not available. Last update:"

TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 INF_0153_SYMLINKS_AFTER_UPGRADE_OK="Symlinks recreated after Plugin upgrade."
 INF_0154_SKIP_ON_PREVIOUS_ERROR="Skip miniserver until <until> due to an previous error."
 INF_0155_NO_PREVIOUS_ERROR="No relevant previous errors, proceed."
-INF_0156_ZIP_SEEMS_NOT_TO_BE_IN_OLD_FORMAT="Reusing previous backup, update older and add new files:"
+INF_0156_ZIP_SEEMS_NOT_TO_BE_IN_OLD_FORMAT="Integrity check ok. Reusing previous backup, update older and add new files:"
 INF_0157_ZIP_CHECK_BACKUP_FOUND="Checking previous backup which has been found:"
 INF_0158_ZIP_CHECK_BACKUP_OLD_FORMAT="Previous backup has the old format. Creating new archive. See https://github.com/Woersty/LoxBerry-Plugin-miniserverbackup/issues/91 for details."
 INF_0159_CLOUD_DNS_FAIL="The Cloud DNS Query failed."
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@
 INF_0162_DOWNLOAD_SERVER_RESPONSE_NOT_200="Unexpected Response-Code from Server. Refreshing Cloud DNS information."
 INF_0163_DATA_BEFORE_REFRESH="Data before resfresh"
 INF_0164_DATA_AFTER_REFRESH="Data after refresh:"
+INF_0164_ZIP_CHECK_INTEGRITY="Testing archive ingetrity..."
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL60="1 Hour"
@@ -259,6 +260,7 @@
 ERR_0070_TOO_MANY_DOWNLOAD_ERRORS="Error #70: The download of the file failed more than one time. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0071_TOO_MANY_CLOUD_DNS_FAILS="Error #71: Too many Cloud DNS query errors for this Miniserver. Will skip this Miniserver this time."
 ERR_0072_CLOUDDNS_REMOTE_CONNECT_NOT_TRUE="Error #72: Cloud-DNS => RemoteConnect is not available. Last update:"
+ERR_0073_ZIP_CHECK_INTEGRITY_FAIL="Error #73: The archive seems corrupted. Create a new archive instead reusing it."

TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 INF_0163_DATA_BEFORE_REFRESH="Data before resfresh"
 INF_0164_DATA_AFTER_REFRESH="Data after refresh:"
 INF_0164_ZIP_CHECK_INTEGRITY="Testing archive ingetrity..."
+INF_0166_API_CALLED="API call"
+INF_0168_API_LAST_SAVED="Record found. Last save:"
+INF_0169_API_MS_NOT_FOUND="No record found for"
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL60="1 Hour"
TranslationBot commented 3 years ago
 INF_0168_API_LAST_SAVED="Record found. Last save:"
 INF_0169_API_MS_NOT_FOUND="No record found for"
+INF_0170_IGNORING_SYS_INTERNAL="The following folder is not needed and ignored:"
 INF_9999_SUMMARIZE_ERRORS="==== Find below a summary of all important log messages ===="
 INTERVAL0="Manual backups only"
 INTERVAL60="1 Hour"