WohlSoft / SDL-Mixer-X

SDL Mixer X (Or "MixerX" shortly) - An audio mixer library based on the SDL library, a fork of SDL_mixer
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.brtsm and other streamed music formats support #23

Open Alucard648 opened 7 years ago

Alucard648 commented 7 years ago

Title says all. SmashCustomMusic site hosts huge music archive from 5-8th generation console games. And upon downloading you get not only high quality, but also proper looping free of charge. Any thoughts?

Wohlstand commented 7 years ago

I have some plan to implement them, and also why is better implement brstm2ogg+looptags converter: BRSTM and others are using ADPCM encoding, however, OGG's compression is better (even in case it's a lossy format, and I need to compare with FLAC which is lossless). I even have been stored VGMStream library which decodes BRSTM and also a lot of other formats: https://github.com/WohlSoft/PGE-Project/tree/master/_Libs/SDL_Mixer_X/vgmstream