Wohlstand / libADLMIDI

A Software MIDI Synthesizer library with OPL3 (YMF262) emulator
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Once again, I have a DMXOPL update #44

Closed sneakernets closed 6 years ago

sneakernets commented 6 years ago

I will be taking a break from DMXOPL a bit to work on other projects, so I think it's safe enough to add this git revision in ADLMIDI:


I wasn't able to add the new "blank" flags, so that might be an issue, but this is largely so GZDoom can have a version with my new Synth Bass 2 patch, which BTSX uses a lot.


Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

About of blank flags: you must take the latest bank editor assembly and call the "Edit" -> "Re-Calculate sounding delays" menuitem where blank flags are will be automatically set to all instruments are gave no sound. The core of libADLMIDI now supports them, and I also sent update to SDL Mixer X and to GZDoom too. I think, I'll need also to correct the gen_adldata's measurer where on editor side I have fixed the detection of a silence which was inaccurate.

sneakernets commented 6 years ago

Oh okay! I recalculated the Bank. Here: https://github.com/sneakernets/DMXOPL/commit/3b66f53b22173e823dbbee6bfda15e32d7624704

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

Also, is fallback now works fine at you? (with that MIDI file where French horn was silent) (with latest libADLMIDI and adlmidiplay)

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

Just now I sent your update to everywhere: here, gzdoom, AudioCodecs

sneakernets commented 6 years ago

I tried it just now with adlmidiplay on bank 72 and the long and short guiros are still playing like the older version. Same with GZDoom. Did I send the wrong file? The file I linked is what I used in FMBankEdit and the percussion instruments are correct there.

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

Try to open a file I have put into my fm banks folder, is its a new version or something older? Ini file now refers GS version, but gen adldata ignores all extra banks and takes first two only as you already know.

sneakernets commented 6 years ago

I see two files in the wopl folder: DMXOPL3-by-sneakernets.wopl and DMXOPL3-by-sneakernets-GS.wopl The GS one has the guiros I made recently, the other file doesn't. My file naming on my repository isn't the best, they still have GENMIDI names, which aren't even needed anymore. I'll do some spring cleaning and figure out what best names fit my files.

But the "GS" one is the newest, and I'm not sure if that one is being "compiled" or not. I'm not around a computer with a compiler to check.

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

When multi-bank files are imported as embedded banks, there are stripping up to GM banks as that stuff doesn't allows multi-bank yet. Custom-loaded banks are supporting multi-banks well.

P.S. I suggesting you to call make clean to guarantee the build will use new re-generated bank. Also, re-call CMake with enabling of adldata re-generation.

sneakernets commented 6 years ago

sure, but I haven't made additional percussion banks yet, or at least I don't think I have. That's why I was confused.

sneakernets commented 6 years ago

Ah, it's working now. Then why are the GZDoom dev versions playing the older bank?

Oh dear.

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

I haven't made additional percussion banks yet, or at least I don't think I have

In parallel, I experimenting with multi-percussions at OPNMIDI where I made xg.wopn file with multiple percussion banks and one of is TR-808 which is best comparison to original sounding than other banks. Percussions are has different strategy of bank selection by using of patch number as bank number.

Ah, it's working now. Then why are the GZDoom dev versions playing the older bank? Oh dear.

As just now I have returned to my home, I gonna to check out the dev build of GZDoom for sounding, and also check out for reason of one weird bug which people seems have figured out

sneakernets commented 6 years ago

Yeah I think the automated gzdoom dev builds aren't including the new bank changes! That's weird...

I don't have control over those, they are automatically built by a computer program, which doesn't compile from scratch each time.

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

Just now digged up for latest Windows builds: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/coelckers/gzdoom/build/1992 Open one of them, find "Artifacts" and download stuff you needed.

P.S. It's very easy access the build by clicking the green check sign in the latest commit you see: default

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

Closed as this issue has been completed long time ago.