Wolfenswan / Unnamed-Roguelike

Roguelike originally based on the Roguebasin-Tutorial.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

License? #1

Closed thehybridtechnician closed 5 years ago

thehybridtechnician commented 5 years ago

@Wolfenswan - Have to say I am very impressed with your project. I have been playing with roguelikes and the Python TCOD library with my 13 year old son and keep checking your code to see how you have been solving some of the more interesting problems. Would it be alright if I forked your project to use as a starting point for a roguelike? How would you like to attribute back to you? What license does your project fall under?

Thank you very much.

Wolfenswan commented 5 years ago

Hey @thehybridtechnician , I'm glad the project of help to someone! Fork as you please, I have not really considered any license and simply added GNU V3 now.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to actively develop for a while, due to other commitments but what exists should all be working. Keep in mind that I treat it more as a coding playground than a disciplined project and I have neither a background in CS nor in Game Dev, so some of my solutions might be... less than ideal.

That said, as a starting point I'd strongly suggest the tutorial that is linked in the readme. All of what I've done did grow from that base*. Furthermore the roguelikedev-subreddit, as well as the coupled discord channels are incredbly friendly and helpful communities, both in terms of general development and specifically the tutorial. The Python-TCOD dev is also active there.

*Minor caveat: it is possible the maintainer hasn't updated the tutorial yet to use Python-TCOD, which is mostly a cosmetical difference. The discord-channel should be of help, if any issues arise from that.

thehybridtechnician commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much. I have gone through all of the tutorial. It is the next steps around window and rendering that is pretty cool. Again, thank you!