Wolferos / Hearts-of-Iron-IV-The-Great-War

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Suggestions for Romania's Fixes / Events / Generals / Focus Tree / Historical Background. #162

Open Akfiz opened 6 years ago

Akfiz commented 6 years ago

1) Bukovina Map Fix: Attach the 2 upper-left regions of Moldova to Bukovina. -> The region of Bukovina in the base game is in fact only Northern Bukovina, all of Bukovina was also composed of the 2 provinces from Moldova that are right under Bukovina.

Romania's Map in 1914

Idea for remaking Romania's regions with some location fixes:

2) Add More Generals: Constantin Prezan (FM), Alexandru Averescu (FM), Grigore Crăiniceanu (FM), Ioan Culcer (FM), Artur Văitoianu, Eremia Grigorescu, Ion Dragalina, Constantin Coandă, Aristide Razu -> More than any other nation Romania needs multiple generals. Because it has to fight WW1 on multiple fronts.

List of Generals of the Romanian Armed Forces - Wikipedia

3) Add Military Theorist: Ioan Rășcanu -> He created "Hypothesis Z", Romania's World War 1 battleplan.

Battle of Transylvania - Hypothesis Z is mentioned

4) Add Historical Background:

_"The regions of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania were sometimes independent but more often fought over and occupied over by more powerful neighbours. In the past century, following a unionist campaign Alexandru Ioan Cuza united Wallachia and Moldavia as Romania, although still a vassal of the Ottoman Empire. Following Alexandru Ioan Cuza's abdication, Prussian Prince Carol comes to power and Romania becomes a constitutional monarchy. In the Russo-Turkish War of 1877, Romania joins the Russian Empire securing independence from the Ottoman Empire.

The newly independent state however has millions of Romanians living outside its borders. The region of Bessarabia that is part of the Russian Empire used to be part of Moldavia and still has a Romanian majority. While the Austro-Hungarian regions of Banat, Transylvania and Bukovina also have a Romanian majority.

With tensions rising in Europe, Romania may look for an opportunity to unite all Romanians under a single state, a national ideal the Romanian leaders were never shy about."_

Romania before World War I

5) Event: Romanian Treasure Moved to Russia. -> Effect: If the Soviets win the Civil War Romania will have -50 relation "Stolen Treasure" -> Triggered: Bucharest is occupied and Romania and the Russian Empire are part of the Entente and still in war. ->

_"Since Bucharest was occupied, the Romanian administration moved to Iasi, and with them, the most valuable objects which belonged to the Romanian state. Fearing an eventual German victory, the Romanian government decided to send the Treasure abroad.

The Romanian government signed a deal with the Russian government which stated that Russia would safe keep the Romanian Treasure in the Kremlin until the end of the war. During the night, a train with 21 carriages, full of gold bars and gold coins of around 120 tonnes, departed the Iasi train station eastward."

(After the Romanian Army entered Bessarabia, at the time nominally part of Russia, in early 1918, the new Soviet government severed all diplomatic relations and confiscated the Romanian treasure.)_

Romanian Treasure Story

6) Event: French Military Mission in Romania -> Effect: Add Romanian Field Marshal "Henri Mathias Berthelot" with Level 3 and Defensive Doctrine. -> Triggered: 15 October 1916 if Romania and France are part of the Entente and still at war. ->

_"Following Romania's entrance in the Great War, the French government decided to send aid and train the Romanian forces for the ongoing war in which France already has a lot of experience.

Officers and aviators were sent to Romania, most notably General Henri Mathias Berthelot who has previously fought on the French front."_

Henri Mathias Berthelot

7) Event: Volunteer Corps of Transylvanians-Bukovinans -> Effect: Add 2 divisons of 3x3 infantry regiments in Iasi. (in reaity it was only 1 division and 3 regiments but made out of 15.000 troops). -> Triggered: February 1917 if Romania and the Russian Empire are part of the Entente and still in war. ->

_"After Romania entered World War I as an Entente country, it began investigating the fate and loyalties of Austro-Hungarian Romanians who are prisoners of war in Russia. Meanwhile, in Romania itself came several thousand Romanian refugees from Austria-Hungary who signed up for service in the Romanian Armed Forces.

Russian authorities were undecided about letting them join, and initially prohibited such initiatives, those who insisted to establish contact with Romania were arrested by Russian police forces. After consultations with Romania, the Russian executives decided that Russia would free 15,000 of Romanians prisoners of war, transferring them to Romania in exchange for a similar number of non-Romanian prisoners from Romanian camps."_

Romanian Volunteer Corps

8) Romania started World War 1 in 1916 with:

620,000 men (440.000 effective troops) with 1,300 guns (768 modern), 574 machine-guns, 14 aircrafts (35 pilots + 60 under training) in total 4 armies with 23 infantry divisions (13 newly formed, 5 without machine-guns) and 2 Cavalry divisions. First Army (Ioan Culcer): c.4.5 divisions and 3 cavalry brigades Second Army (Grigore Crăiniceanu): c.4 divisions and 4 cavalry brigades Third Army (Alexandru Averescu): c.4 divisions, 1 cavalry brigade Fourth Army (Constantin Prezan): c. 4 divisions, 1 cavalry brigade Reserves: 2-3 divisions

The battleplan Hypothesis Z consisted of one army defending in Dobruja, another defending over the Danuble, another defending in the west of Oltenia, while another attacks Austria-Hungary in Transylvania. Defensive in the south and offensive in the north.

9) Focus Tree ideas:

Every nation has focus trees that can be devided in 5 branches: Military, Industrial, Political, Naval, Air.


->This can be represented by some Arms Factory "Improve Arms Industry" and "Improve Arms Industry II" followed by +2.00% manpower "Reform the Army" then some more arms factories "Armed Neutrality" then some alternate but non-exclusitory routes, one against Austria-Hungary Get back Transylvania! and the other against Russia Get back Bessarabia!.

And a side focus starting from "Improve Arms Industry II" that gives -50% time for land doctrine "Increase the Number of Officers" followed by "Increase the Number of Officers II" followed by "Defend Southern Romania" that builds level 3 borders on the Romanian - Bulgarian border. (This is cannon as Romania's attack plan during World War I was to attack on Transylvania and defend in Wallachia and Dobruja)


-> This can be represented by some basic Civillian Factories "Expanding Cities" and "Expanding Cities II" followed by a -5% Consumer Good "Expanding Agriculture", them some "Improve Ploiesti Refineries" for more Oil.


-> Start with a generic "Strengthen the State" that gives +150 Political Power followed by some generic focuses like in most other nations, then non-exclusitory on the left "Demand Austrian concessions" (that gives Transylvania (only the south), Crisana and Banat if Austria accepts) followed by "Join the Central Powers". And on the right "Acknowledge Right over Transylvania" (asks the Entente to recognise Transylvania and Bukovina as Romanian) followed by "Join the Entente". "Join the Central Powers" and Join the Entente are exclusitory.


-> It's not that great, something basic will do fine.


-> Same as the Navy, except the planes are named IAR.

10) National Spirit: Greater Romania -> Effects: National Unity: +5%, Division Attack on core territory:+10%, Division Defense on core territory: +10% -> Triggered: Romania is at war with Austria-Hungary who owns Banat, Transylvania and Bukovina. -> "With Austria-Hungary as an enemy in the war, the liberation of Romanians in Banat, Transylvania and Bukovina seems closer than ever and serves as a great source of inspiration for the military and civilians alike."

11) National Spirit: The Return of Bessarabia -> Effects: National Unity: +10% -> Triggered: Romania owns Bessarabia. -> "Taking advantage of the chaos of the communist revolution, the Romanians of Bessarabia declared independence followed by union with Romania. Although the independence is not recognized by the Soviet Union, the region is now de facto under Romania and its return is seen as a great accomplishment serving as a great source of national unity."

12) National Spirit: The Great Union -> Effects: National Unity: +20% remove national spirits "Greater Romania" and "The Return of Bessarabia". -> Triggered: Romania has national spirits "Greater Romania" and "The Return of Bessarabia", owns Banat, Transylvania, Bukovina, Bessarabia (every core Romania has) and is not at war. -> "After centuries of domination and separation the national dream became reality, all regions with a Romanian majority stand united under a single and independent Romanian state, a Romania for all Romanians."

The Great Union

(Since you want to make the interwar as well this national spirit could only last for 3 years)

Information about Romania in World War 1: Encyclopedia 1914-1918 / Romania

13) Interwar: Hoi4 Ro Wiki - Historical Background

14) Make the Treaty of Trianon - When playing Romania, after the Entente wins World War I, one of the majors in the Entente will simply change the ideology of Austria-Hungary instead of disolving Austria-Hungary and creating: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Greater Romania.

cealicuca commented 6 years ago

Considering all the major and minor Entente and CP are already done it would really be nice to have Romania too (minor Entente power, quite an important role. They joined the war while the Somme and Verdun battles were raging and the German High Command stopped ALL offensive actions in order tondeal with Romania - sending more than 15 divisions from the west front to the Romanian front).

Knifepony commented 5 years ago

Would you guys mind if I used this information for endsieg WW1?

cealicuca commented 5 years ago

Not a problem from my side, but since most usefull info was not coming from me i guess Akfiz would need to give his approval.

In any case, you can easily find this info, it's public. Good luck with endsieg

Akfiz commented 4 years ago

@Knifepony Not a problem from me either, feel free to use any information you want from this post.