Wolferos / Hearts-of-Iron-IV-The-Great-War

The Great War has been created by Wolferos with the help of the Community.
98 stars 95 forks source link

Naval Production Lines #292

Open TioATA opened 2 years ago

TioATA commented 2 years ago

Hi folks. Tio ATA ( Uncle ATA) here. I miss some resources found in other mods that are not been update, so I've made some modifications at my own copy of this great mod to recreate them.

The first modification tha I did was to allow me to assign as much as 15 dockyards to any naval construction order (convoys, capital and non-capital ships).

It's working fine, so far, so I would like to suggest this changes to you.

I modified this file: common\defines\00_defines.lua

Changed the following lines: DEFAULT_MAX_NAV_FACTORIES_PER_LINE = 15, -- Original value: 10 CONVOY_MAX_NAV_FACTORIES_PER_LINE = 15, CAPITAL_SHIP_MAX_NAV_FACTORIES_PER_LINE = 15, -- Original value: 5

Would be great to have this on the official files, so I don't have to redo this after some future update.

Norrlandsuggla commented 1 year ago

I would say that the max limit of 5 on capital ships is there for a reason. Capital ships takes a lot of time to build regardless how much resources you throw in.