Wolferos / Hearts-of-Iron-IV-The-Great-War

The Great War has been created by Wolferos with the help of the Community.
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Fixed OR operator, transfer of states (Balkan Wars) #551

Closed kremastra closed 5 months ago

kremastra commented 5 months ago

Syntax fixed for OR operator (Balkan Wars):

In two event files related to the Balkan Wars, I discovered an OR operator that was not working correctly. In first example, it was used to allow Serbia to declare the First Balkan War if it was in an alliance with at least one country (Greece, Bulgaria or Montenegro). However, because all three countries were placed in one block within the OR operator rather than separated into three separate blocks, the OR operator worked as if there was only one condition with three attributes. This leads to the fact that if at least one country is not in the alliance by the time Serbia begins to perform the "Liberate The Balkans" focus, then Serbia will not be able to complete this focus, and the First Balkan War will not begin. I tested this with the example of Greece, when it refused to join the alliance by invitation, and the war did not start.

Fixed transfer of states after the end of the Balkan Wars:

In the Second Balkan Wars file, I discovered that the transfer of states after the end of the war did not work correctly. Since Serbia is the head of the alliance, if it makes peace, then the other countries in the alliance also automatically make peace. However, since the condition for the transfer of states to other participating countries, firstly, is after Serbia makes peace, and secondly, requires that the country be involved in the war at the time of the transfer of states, it turns out that when Serbia makes peace and receives its new states; for other countries, the condition of being at war is not met.

It turns out that when a peace treaty with Bulgaria is signed, only Serbia receives its new states, but Greece, Montenegro and Turkey do not receive their new states (if they participated in the war).

To correct this problem, Serbia's peace is moved to the end of the event "Bulgaria Offers Peace" so that other countries can make peace earlier and be able to gain their new states.

In the First Balkan War file, the peace event is changed in a similar way.

Wolferos commented 5 months ago

Thanks, it's a good fix ;)