It makes it really hard to read.
Also the first line with JCYPHER is not needed.
* <div color='red' style="font-size:24px;color:red"><b><i><u>JCYPHER</u></i></b></div>
* <div color='red' style="font-size:18px;color:red"><i>run an expression against individual elements of a collection
* </br>and store the result of the expression in an accumulator</i></div>
* <div color='red' style="font-size:18px;color:red"><i>e.g. ...<b>REDUCE()</b><br/>.fromAll(n).IN_nodes(p)<br/>.to(totalAge)<br/>.by("age")))<br/>.startWith(0)</i></div>
* <br/>
public static CFrom<ReduceTo> REDUCE() {
return CFactory.REDUCE();
Should just be:
run an expression against individual elements of a collection and store the result of the expression in an accumulator
public static CFrom<ReduceTo> REDUCE() {
return CFactory.REDUCE();
If you want to style your javadoc with custom styles you can do so after/during javadoc generation
It makes it really hard to read. Also the first line with JCYPHER is not needed.
Should just be:
If you want to style your javadoc with custom styles you can do so after/during javadoc generation