Wolfgang-Schuetzelhofer / jcypher

Java access to Neo4J graph databases at multiple levels of abstraction
Apache License 2.0
86 stars 15 forks source link

moving to Neo4J driver 4.0.0 and adding support for Neo4J 4.x.x #57

Closed ashr123 closed 4 years ago

ashr123 commented 4 years ago

Hey, when will you add support for the modern driver and DB? there was no progress since 2017

Wolfgang-Schuetzelhofer commented 4 years ago

Currently I have quite heavy workload on customer projects, so I don't know when I will be able to continue development on JCypher (I am sorry for that). However, JCypher being an open source project, everybody is invited to contribute.

Best regards, Wolfgang

ashr123 commented 4 years ago

You are absolutely right, thank you for your answer, if peoples continue to develop this framework, will you respond to pull requests and merge the improvements?

Wolfgang-Schuetzelhofer commented 4 years ago

Yes, I will respond to pull request and merge the improvements. I am happy about every contribution.

Best regards, Wolfgang