Event Series order synchronization is an algorithm/filter that will make sure that the matching
of events from different sources by ordinal/year will be simplified.
Make sure that there is only one event per ordinal and year and source e.g. by selecting the first of multiple volumes.
Heuristics are required and need to be find out be examples
Find slots for event series completion (sorted list of year and ordinal pairs)
Analyze result for consistency see #50
SELECT year,ordinal,event,title,location,city,cityWikidataid,countryWikiDataid,country,dates,doi,isbn13,ppn
FROM "event_tibkat"
WHERE title like "%COLING%"
AND title like "%proceedings%"
AND NOT title like "%orkshop%"
AND NOT title like "%demonstration%"
AND NOT title like "%Tutorial abstracts%"
AND NOT title like "%Industry track%"
AND NOT title like "%sessions"
AND NOT title like "%Vol. 2"
AND NOT title like "%Vol. 3"
AND NOT title like "%Vol. 4"
AND NOT title like "%Vol. 5"
AND NOT title like "%Vol. 6"
order by year
Event Series order synchronization is an algorithm/filter that will make sure that the matching of events from different sources by ordinal/year will be simplified.