WolfgangFahl / ConferenceCorpus

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bk / basisklassifkation filter #55

Open WolfgangFahl opened 2 years ago

WolfgangFahl commented 2 years ago

allow to specify a basisklassifkation when searching for event series.

tholzheim commented 2 years ago

Should the filter be added to the event series endpoint as e.g. ?bk=50 and only apply for the tibkat datasource ?

WolfgangFahl commented 2 years ago

for a start yes

tholzheim commented 2 years ago

bk filter is now added

To filter for multiple bks separate them with , the filter is currently implemented as OR i.e. one of the given bk must fit a record. The filter allows to search for the main class e.g. 54 or with subclass e.g. 54.75


If the logic for the filter should change let me know

WolfgangFahl commented 2 years ago

Great - how is a bk null value handled? It looks by default they are ignored - then it would be good to allow null values actively in the query - is that possible?

tholzheim commented 2 years ago

null values can now be included by adding null or none to the filter clause e.g.