WolfgangFahl / ProceedingsTitleParser

Shallow Semantic Parser to extract metadata from scientific proceedings titles
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Add prepackaged Queries #35

Closed WolfgangFahl closed 3 years ago

WolfgangFahl commented 3 years ago

Instead of publishing the full SPARQL endpoint allow selected queries to be executed. e.g.

PREFIX cr: <http://cr.bitplan.com/>
SELECT  ?source (COUNT(?source) AS ?sourcecount)
   ?event cr:Event_source ?source.
GROUP by ?source
WolfgangFahl commented 3 years ago

and same for SQL e.g.

            source,count(*) as count 
            from event
            group by source
            "TOTAL",count(*) as count
            from event
            order by count