WolfgangFahl / nicegui_widgets

nicegui widgets
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 2 forks source link

How to link and explanation #52

Open WolfgangFahl opened 6 months ago

WolfgangFahl commented 6 months ago

Technical Guide for NiceGUI Project Inclusion in the Solutions List


This guide outlines the steps required for your NiceGUI project's automatic inclusion in the NiceGUI solutions list, as detailed in the provided source code.

Automatic Inclusion Criteria

Your project's presence in http://ngdemo.bitplan.com/solutions is determined by specific metadata from your GitHub and PyPI repositories.

Projects from pypi https://pypi.org/search/?q=nicegui&o=-created

Projects from github https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=nicegui


GitHub Requirements

  1. Topic Tagging: Add topics to your repository (e.g., **nicegui**, python). nicegui is a helpful topic to be included.
  2. Repository URL: Ensure your project's GitHub repository URL is included in the metadata.
  3. Star Count: The number of stars can enhance the project's visibility, although it's not a strict requirement.

PyPI Requirements

  1. Package Name: Your package name on PyPI should clearly represent your project.
  2. Metadata: Accurately complete the pyproject.toml or setup.py with your project's metadata.
    • Guide: Packaging Python Projects
    • Example:
      name = "ngwidgets"
      keywords = ["nicegui", "components", "ui"]
      description = "NiceGUI widgets and solution bazaar"
  3. Project URLs: In your pyproject.toml or setup.py, include URLs for the source code (GitHub link), tracker (issue tracking), and documentation.
  4. Description: Provide a detailed description on PyPI, which will be used as the project's summary.

Project Detail Attributes

If you have set up your project as described above, the solution list update will effectively retrieve and display your project. Important attributes include:

Steps for Developers

  1. Tag Your GitHub Repository: Apply relevant topics to your GitHub repository.
  2. Update Metadata: Ensure your pyproject.toml or setup.py accurately reflects your project's details on PyPI.
  3. Maintain Your Repository: Regularly update and maintain your GitHub repository and PyPI listing for continued visibility.

Candidate Projects

To explore existing candidate projects for NiceGUI or to gauge the landscape, you can use the following search queries:

Updating Project Information

Changes in your GitHub or PyPI metadata will be reflected in the NiceGUI solutions list during the next update cycle.

Further Information

For more discussions or questions about the inclusion process, refer to the initial discussion at NiceGUI GitHub Discussion #1618.


see http://ngdemo.bitplan.com/components/WolfgangFahl_nicegui_widgets grafik

and the declaration at https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/nicegui_widgets/blob/main/.components.yaml

# Components of https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/nicegui_widgets
# to be shown in nicegui solution bazaar as per
# https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/nicegui_widgets/issues/52
# see http://ngdemo.bitplan.com/solutions
# WF 2023-12-16
- name: color_schema.py
  source: /ngwidgets/color_schema.py
  issue: 15
  demo_url: http://ngdemo.bitplan.com/color_schema
  demo_image_url: https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/nicegui_widgets/assets/1336221/2bb926d4-da56-4201-a04c-af032d4de08e
  description: >
    ColorSchema enables NiceGUI color customization.
    Includes palettes from https://www.materialpalette.com: RED, PINK, PURPLE,
    DEEP PURPLE, ...
- name: dict_edit.py
  source: /ngwidgets/dict_edit.py
  issue: 47
  demo_url: http://ngdemo.bitplan.com/dictedit
  demo_image_url: https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/nicegui_widgets/assets/1336221/405053ea-0b2e-42cf-b637-191e9541603d
  description: >
    DictEdit is a UI component for editing dictionaries
    or dataclasses, supporting dynamic fields with
    customizable options and validations.

Explanation of Fields in components.yaml

The components.yaml file serves as a catalog of components within a project. Each entry in this file describes a specific component with the following fields:

This structure allows for a comprehensive and accessible overview of each component within the project, aiding users in understanding and utilizing the components effectively.

WolfgangFahl commented 6 months ago

A link to this howto should show up in the solutions list display