Closed WolfgangFahl closed 1 year ago
With our mapping schema we allow Qids and labels as inputs which are during the upload matched against the corresponding items. For the value comparison this means that we either need to normalize the records or convert them to an object that can evaluate the equality a given Qid and label.
On (multiple) row select and click of "sync button".
Show list of two cards side by side with the properties of the two synchronisation partners
allow option per attribute: ← → ✅ ❌
Example (as table)
Potential Action: ⇆ ← → ☐
There should be a potential default for the whole card set. So all properties get to ⇆ ← → ☐ (see y-principle-gen) The status should be marked e.g. with colors red for missing or error, green for same, blue for new
Conflicts shall also be marked with ⇆❌ and same entries ⇆✅ sync entries should have the arrow ☐✅
There should be a button on top with a dry run selector that actually does the sync for all items and shows some kind of progress and debug and profile results. (Parallel handling possible ...)
Potentially there is a need for extra details if the data has extra information such as a language/type ... this might need extra way of handlingt with another column or some popup or show/hide effect.