WolfgangFahl / snapquery

Frontend to Introduce Named Queries and Named Query Middleware to wikidata
Apache License 2.0
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Add Graph(s)/Query relation #35

Open WolfgangFahl opened 1 week ago

WolfgangFahl commented 1 week ago

make sure e.g. wikidata is a graph. Queries should have a target graph and for federated queries there may be multiple graphs that are used for running the query and therefore also multiple endpoints. For the current milestone we want to be able to filter/simplify. Therefore as a rule namespaces should be linked to a single graph configuration. So currently only the federated-queryies example namespaces has the full N:M complexity while the wikidata related namespaces are single graph "wikidata" only and the dblp also. orkg could start with a single orkg namespace version but is more interesting in the federated realm. As a starte namespaces will be linked to a single graph and have a "federated" flag. A simple check box in the ui setup shall filter all federated elements and show only the simple ones as the default for the current milestone.