WolfgangMehner / vim-plugins

Vim plug-ins which offer support for various programming languages.
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C-Support: Change C idiom function return indent #53

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to edit the c.idioms.template file that I have sourced. I can make changes and see them applied, except for the return statement. It always gets pushed further in than the previous indent. I would like to make it align. I can't find it in the source code.

WolfgangMehner commented 4 years ago

The plug-in will run the lines it changed through Vim's fomatting functionality. You can prevent this for a template by adding the option noindent where the maps and menu shortcuts are defined:

== Idioms.function == map:if, shortcut:f, noindent  ==
|FUNCTION_NAME| ( <+argument_list+> )
<SPLIT>return <+return_value+>;
}       /* -----  end of function |FUNCTION_NAME|  ----- */
== Idioms.next template ...

Another approach would be to look at the set-up of your formatting. (Run :help C-indenting as a starting point.) Is normal code, not inserted by the plug-in, indented correctly when you run it through the auto-formatter? (Mark some lines in visual mode and use the map =.)

ghost commented 4 years ago

I tried setting noindent for the template, but it didn't work. I also opened a new c file, ran :set noautoindent nocindent nosmartindent indentexpr=, and it didn't work, but it did ignore the indent in front of <CURSOR> in the template (which had worked previously). I'm not sure what else to try.

antenore commented 4 years ago

Try with :set paste before to insert the template.

I believe it's related with some other settings or plugins.

WolfgangMehner commented 4 years ago

The problem seems slightly more diffucult than I initially thought. I could debug it further if you send me the output of :set (executed on the Vim command-line).

ghost commented 4 years ago

Non C file:

--- Options --- columns=136 helplang=en lines=35 relativenumber showbreak=¶ notimeout expandtab ignorecase number scroll=16 smartcase window=34 runtimepath=~/.config/nvim,
~/. config/nvim/plugged/vim-fat-finger,
~ /.fzf,
~/.config/nvim/plugged/SimpylFold ,
/etc/xd g/xdg-xfce/nvim,
/usr/local/sha re/nvim/site,
/usr/share/ nvim/site/after,
/usr/share/xfce4/nvim/site/a fter,
~/.config/nvim/plugged/tabular/ after,
~/.config/nvim/after statusline=%{lightline#link()}%#LightlineLeft_active_0#%( %{lightline#mode()} %)%{(&paste)?"|":""}%( %{&paste?"PASTE":""} %)%#Lightlin eLeft_active_0_1#%#LightlineLeft_active_1#%( %R %)%{(&readonly)&&(1||(&modified||!&modifiable))?"|":""}%( %t %)%{(&modified||!&modifiabl e)?"|":""}%( %M %)%#LightlineLeft_active_1_2#%#LightlineMiddle_active#%=%#LightlineRight_active_2_3#%#LightlineRight_active_2#%( %{&ff} %)%{1||1?"|":""}%( %{&fenc!=#""?&fenc:&enc} %)%{1?"|":""}%( %{&ft!=#""?&ft:"no ft"} %)%#LightlineRight_active_1_2#%#LightlineRight_activ e_1#%( %3p%% %)%#LightlineRight_active_0_1#%#LightlineRight_active_0#%( %3l:%-2v %) tabline=%!lightline#tabline()

C file has the above plus:

--- Options --- cindent filetype=c lines=35 relativenumber smartcase window=34 columns=136 helplang=en modified scroll=16 syntax=c expandtab ignorecase number showbreak=¶ notimeout comments=sO:* -,
mO:* ,
:// dictionary=~/.config/nvim/plugged/c.vim/c-support/wordlists/c-c++-keywords.list,
~/.config/nvim/plugged/c.vim/c-support/wordlists/k+r.l ist,
~/.config/nvim/plugged/c.vim/c-support/wordlists/stl_index.list formatoptions=jcroql omnifunc=ccomplete#Complete runtimepath=~/.config/nvim,
WolfgangMehner commented 4 years ago

I just came back to this, sorry for the long wait.

One general point: After editing a template file, it is necessary to either restart Vim or to reload the templates using the map \ntr in a C/C++ buffer.

I'm trying to edit the c.idioms.template file that I have sourced. I can make changes and see them applied, except for the return statement. It always gets pushed further in than the previous indent. I would like to make it align. I can't find it in the source code.

Just so I understand you correctly. When you say "... except for the return statement. It always gets pushed further in than the previous indent. I would like to make it align." Do you mean it should align with the curly brackets? Like so:

f ( )
return ;
}       /* -----  end of function f  ----- */

Instead of:

f ( )
    return ;
}       /* -----  end of function f  ----- */

Then I would still like to confirm that the noindent template option does not work even if the template are reloaded.