Wolfieheart / ArmorStandEditor

Spigot/Paper etc. plugin to allow players to edit armorstands without commands.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Reworking protection system (test-event & move-location check) #545

Open RedstoneFuture opened 1 week ago

RedstoneFuture commented 1 week ago


With this PR I would like to suggest a different approach to checking building rights. Querying all rights plugins is currently inperformant and not completely correct due to the different scenarios (e.g. misc flags like block-build on WorldGuard; custom flags for WorldGuard & PlotSquared via add-ons; or custom features via add-ons for BentoBox). At the end, we are interested in whether the player is allowed to build at the corresponding location or not, right? So, I used a test event to check whether the player is allowed to build at the current Armorstand position and whether he is allowed to build at the target location of a Move event (if performed).

I can see you had a lot of work to support the large number of protection plugins, but the current test seems to work well. The new check may be more correct for some cases, as it simply reflects the test result and does not refer to the theoretical processes of the individual restriction plugins.

Some other notes

By movements in the Y-achse the "lower block" is checked here. This is the same behavior as normal building protections (e.g. with WorldGuard).

The only weak point of this concept is that logging systems log the test-event. For example, it's logged by CoreProtect on location without AIR, by default. I don't see any good way to get around this.


Once the restriction has been tested for a while, we can minimize the /protections folder. Only the permission check of asedit.ignoreProtection.<plugin> would then be necessary. (An OP check is not necessary, as the permission is already queried).


        if (player.isOp()) return true;
        if (player.hasPermission("asedit.ignoreProtection.worldGuard")) return true;

I would like to point out that I am primarily looking for the best and safest option. In this case, it also seems to be the simplest solution. Provided it works equally well with all supported plugins.

[CORE] Changes

Changes to the core of the plugin - Performance Fixes, Bug Fixes, New Features, New Permission Nodes, New Config Options etc.

[CI] Changes

Changes relating to the Continuous Integration of other Plugin APIs, Github Workflows, Issue Templates etc.

[DOC] Changes

Changes relating to plugin Documentation - See the Wiki for more info

[MISC] Changes

Changes that does not fit in the above list


Tested with:

I am not familiar with all of the supported protection systems. Please feel free to report any errors you find with other plugins.

By making this pull request, I represent that I have the right to waive copyright and related rights to my contribution, and agree that all copyright and related rights in my contributions are waived, and I acknowledge that the ArmorStandEditor Project Owners have the copyright to use and modify my contribution under the ArmorStandEditor License for perpetuity.