Wolfinbarger / game-recommender

A full-stack web app that helps you discover awesome games to play with your friends or solo.
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Research How To Source Game Images #21

Open FreakyNobleGas opened 9 months ago

FreakyNobleGas commented 9 months ago

We need a way to render the image of each Game presented to the User and then create new issues based on our findings.

My initial idea on how to do this is to create a web scraper that can fetch the image and/or URL where the image came from. This can be store in our DB. Storing the image will be a more stable solution, but at the cost of a larger DB and bandwidth for our APIs. Likewise, the URL for the image can change or go down.

We'll also want to make sure that we are complaint with any copyright law.

FreakyNobleGas commented 9 months ago

For Steam, it appears we can use this URL with the game's ID number. https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps//header.jpg

For example, the store page for Guild Wars 2 is: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284210/Guild_Wars_2/

So if we take the ID for this URL, we can source it's image: https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1284210/header.jpg