Wolfmyths / Myth-Mod-Manager

An easy way to swap and manage Payday 2 mods outside the game
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

Disabling mods removes them entirely #25

Closed Jian-Ng closed 1 year ago

Jian-Ng commented 1 year ago

I was using the old version for a while before updating, I noticed that disabling mods no longer moves the mod folder to the "disabled-mods" folder, but rather the contents of the mod folder instead. I downloaded the mod from the releases page.

I have a few screenshots and a video attached. My software doesn't record the right-click somehow, but look to the right and you can see that the mod is disabled.


Screenshot 2023-09-01 223759 Screenshot 2023-09-01 223831

Wolfmyths commented 1 year ago

Thanks for giving me a informative bug report.

I'm so sorry this has happened here's an easy way to revert this if you don't have a backup of your mods:

If this has happened to more than one mod, reinstalling them works but remember to delete the incorrect files in the disabled mods directory

I will work on this as soon as I can.

Wolfmyths commented 1 year ago

This issue will be fixed and a patch will be released later today.

The issue was that the destination path for moving a mod to the disabled mods directory was not including the mod folder itself.


self.move(disabledModsPath, modDestPath)


self.move(os.path.join(disabledModsPath, mod), modDestPath)

Thanks for reporting this bug it really means a lot.