WolframResearch / GitLink

Git integration for the Wolfram Language
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GitAdd has troubles with new directories #5

Open kubaPod opened 6 years ago

kubaPod commented 6 years ago

V11.2 V11.1 Win7

Let's create a test repo:

<< GitLink`
dir = FileNameJoin[{$UserDocumentsDirectory, "Test2"}];
    FileNameJoin[{dir, "sub"}], CreateIntermediateDirectories -> True
    FileNameJoin[{dir, "sub", "test.m"}], "Print@\"test\"", "Text"
repo = GitInit@dir;
GitAdd[repo, All]

<|"New" -> {"sub\"}, ...|> GitAdd::gitoperationfailed: A git operation failed with the message "Invalid path: 'sub/'". {}

But if I run git add sub/ from a terminal, it works. Hope it is not another silly mistake I've made.