WolframResearch / GitLink

Git integration for the Wolfram Language
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Feature request: notebook diff tool #8

Open szhorvat opened 6 years ago

szhorvat commented 6 years ago

This is a feature request to include a usable visual notebook diff tool that makes it practically useful to keep notebooks in version control.

To add some weight to this:

There are some very well organized packages that are developed in a literate style in notebooks, and produce .m (.wl) files through the auto-generated package feature. Examples are SciDraw (you won't find the notebook sources online though) and RUBI. It was the notebook interface that made it possible to organize these packages so nicely, but they can't easily be put in a version control system because of the lack of a notebook diff tool. I believe the one in AuthorTools is outdated now.

kubaPod commented 6 years ago

@szhorvat , a note:

Have you tried this? I was about to but I didn't yet. Looks like a good idea: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/155143/5478

jfultz commented 6 years ago

This is in the roadmap.