WolframResearch / LibraryLinkUtilities

C++ wrappers for conveniently wrapping Wolfram LibraryLink code.
MIT License
37 stars 7 forks source link

DataList test failing on macOS #1

Closed maxitg closed 3 years ago

maxitg commented 3 years ago

It looks like the DataList test fails to compile.


In[] := SystemInformation["Small"]

Out[] = {"Kernel" -> {"SystemID" -> "MacOSX-x86-64", 
   "ReleaseID" -> " (7198639, 202012124634)", 
   "CreationDate" -> 
    DateObject[{2020, 12, 12, 15, 32, 16}, "Instant", 
     "Gregorian", -6.]}, 
 "FrontEnd" -> {"OperatingSystem" -> "MacOSX", 
   "ReleaseID" -> " (7198639, 202012121918)", 
   "CreationDate" -> 
    DateObject[{2020, 12, 12, 15, 31, 58}, "Instant", 
     "Gregorian", -6.]}}
$ clang --version
Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.28)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin20.2.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin

Cannot reproduce on Linux with g++ 9.3.0.


$ git clone git@github.com:WolframResearch/LibraryLinkUtilities.git
Cloning into 'LibraryLinkUtilities'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 11501, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (11501/11501), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3153/3153), done.
remote: Total 11501 (delta 7662), reused 11391 (delta 7552), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (11501/11501), 8.86 MiB | 27.59 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7662/7662), done.

$ cd LibraryLinkUtilities && mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found WolframLibrary: /Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/IncludeFiles/C  
-- Found WSTP: /Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/Links/WSTP/DeveloperKit/MacOSX-x86-64/CompilerAdditions/wstp.framework (found version "4.44") 
-- Found WolframLanguage: /Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/MacOS/Mathematica (found suitable version "12.2", minimum required is "12.0") found components: WolframLibrary WSTP 
-- Creating test targets.
-- Found WolframLanguage: /Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/MacOS/Mathematica (found suitable version "12.2", minimum required is "12.0") found components: wolframscript 
-- Unit tests will be run with: /Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/MacOS/wolframscript
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/build

$ cmake --build . --target install
Scanning dependencies of target LLU
[  4%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/Containers/Image.cpp.o
[  9%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/LibraryData.cpp.o
[ 14%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/ErrorLog/LibraryLinkError.cpp.o
[ 19%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/MArgumentManager.cpp.o
[ 23%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/Containers/MArrayDimensions.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/Containers/Tensor.cpp.o
[ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/WSTP/Get.cpp.o
[ 38%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/WSTP/Put.cpp.o
[ 42%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/WSTP/Release.cpp.o
[ 47%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/WSTP/Strings.cpp.o
[ 52%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/WSTP/Utilities.cpp.o
[ 57%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/MArgument.cpp.o
[ 61%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/ProgressMonitor.cpp.o
[ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/ErrorLog/ErrorManager.cpp.o
[ 71%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/ErrorLog/Errors.cpp.o
[ 76%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/ErrorLog/Logger.cpp.o
[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/FileUtilities.cpp.o
[ 85%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/TypedMArgument.cpp.o
[ 90%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/Containers/DataStore.cpp.o
[ 95%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LLU.dir/src/Containers/NumericArray.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX static library libLLU.a
[100%] Built target LLU
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/lib/libLLU.a
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP/Utilities.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP/Release.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP/Put.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP/Strings.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP/WSStream.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP/EncodingTraits.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP/UtilityTypeTraits.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/WSTP/Get.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/LibraryData.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/FileUtilities.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/LLU.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Async
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Async/ThreadPool.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Async/WorkStealingQueue.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Async/Utilities.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Async/Queue.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/NoMinMaxWindows.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/ProgressMonitor.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/MArgument.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/LibraryLinkFunctionMacro.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Utilities.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/MArgumentManager.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/TypedMArgument.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Interfaces.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/NumericArray.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/MArrayDimensions.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/MArray.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Generic
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Generic/Tensor.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Generic/DataStore.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Generic/NumericArray.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Generic/Base.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Generic/Image.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Views
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Views/Tensor.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Views/NumericArray.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Views/Image.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Tensor.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Image.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Iterators
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Iterators/DataStore.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Iterators/DataNode.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Iterators/DataList.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Iterators/IterableContainer.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/ManagedExpression.hpp
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/ErrorLog
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/ErrorLog/Errors.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/ErrorLog/ErrorManager.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/ErrorLog/LibraryLinkError.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/ErrorLog/Logger.h
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/LLUTargets.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/LLUTargets-release.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/Wolfram
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/Wolfram/PacletUtilities.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/Wolfram/CVSUtilities.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/Wolfram/Common.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/FindWolframLanguage.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/FindWolframLibrary.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/FindWSTP.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/LLUConfig.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/cmake/LLU/LLUConfigVersion.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/share/LibraryLinkUtilities.wl

$ make TestWithOutputOnFailure
Scanning dependencies of target TestWithOutputOnFailure
Test project /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/build
      Start  1: Async
 1/13 Test  #1: Async ............................   Passed   32.62 sec
      Start  2: DataList
 2/13 Test  #2: DataList .........................***Failed   19.16 sec

SetDelayed::write: Tag CatchAll in CatchAll[body_] is Protected.
/usr/bin/clang -dynamiclib -o "/Users/maxitg/Library/Mathematica/SystemFiles/LibraryResources/MacOSX-x86-64/Working-Arachnid-81850-297807360-1/DataListTest.dylib" -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.12 -x c++ -install_name @rpath/DataListTest.dylib -fPIC -O2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.12 -Wall -Wextra --pedantic -fvisibility=hidden -std=c++17  -I"/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/IncludeFiles/C" -I"/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/Links/WSTP/DeveloperKit/MacOSX-x86-64/CompilerAdditions" -I"/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include" "/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListTest.cpp"  -F"/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/Links/WSTP/DeveloperKit/MacOSX-x86-64/CompilerAdditions" -L"/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/Libraries/MacOSX-x86-64" -L"/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/lib/"  -framework "wstp" -l"LLU" -lc++ -framework Foundation 2>&1
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListTest.cpp:424:8: error: no matching member function for call to 'push_back'
        dsOut.push_back("Tensor", rawT); // rawT is a pointer type, it gets converted to bool and send as Boolean node
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:150:8: note: candidate function not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type 'st_MNumericArray *' to 'LLU::DataList<std::__1::variant<std::__1::monostate, bool, long long, double, std::__1::complex<double>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>, MSparseArray_struct *, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::NumericArray>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Image>, std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::DataStore> > >::value_type' (aka 'std::__1::variant<std::__1::monostate, bool, long long, double, std::__1::complex<double>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>, MSparseArray_struct *, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::NumericArray>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Image>, std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::DataStore> >') for 2nd argument
                void push_back(std::string_view name, value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:143:8: note: candidate function not viable: requires single argument 'nodeData', but 2 arguments were provided
                void push_back(value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListTest.cpp:435:8: error: no matching member function for call to 'push_back'
        dsOut.push_back("NumericArray", rawNA);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:150:8: note: candidate function not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type 'st_MNumericArray *' to 'LLU::DataList<std::__1::variant<std::__1::monostate, bool, long long, double, std::__1::complex<double>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>, MSparseArray_struct *, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::NumericArray>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Image>, std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::DataStore> > >::value_type' (aka 'std::__1::variant<std::__1::monostate, bool, long long, double, std::__1::complex<double>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>, MSparseArray_struct *, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::NumericArray>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Image>, std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::DataStore> >') for 2nd argument
                void push_back(std::string_view name, value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:143:8: note: candidate function not viable: requires single argument 'nodeData', but 2 arguments were provided
                void push_back(value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListTest.cpp:442:8: error: no matching member function for call to 'push_back'
        dsOut.push_back("Image", rawIm);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:150:8: note: candidate function not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type 'IMAGEOBJ_ENTRY *' to 'LLU::DataList<std::__1::variant<std::__1::monostate, bool, long long, double, std::__1::complex<double>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>, MSparseArray_struct *, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::NumericArray>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Image>, std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::DataStore> > >::value_type' (aka 'std::__1::variant<std::__1::monostate, bool, long long, double, std::__1::complex<double>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>, MSparseArray_struct *, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::NumericArray>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Image>, std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::DataStore> >') for 2nd argument
                void push_back(std::string_view name, value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:143:8: note: candidate function not viable: requires single argument 'nodeData', but 2 arguments were provided
                void push_back(value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListTest.cpp:455:8: error: no matching member function for call to 'push_back'
        dsOut.push_back("DataList", rawDS);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:150:8: note: candidate function not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type 'st_DataStore *' to 'LLU::DataList<std::__1::variant<std::__1::monostate, bool, long long, double, std::__1::complex<double>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>, MSparseArray_struct *, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::NumericArray>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Image>, std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::DataStore> > >::value_type' (aka 'std::__1::variant<std::__1::monostate, bool, long long, double, std::__1::complex<double>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>, MSparseArray_struct *, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::NumericArray>, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Image>, std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >, LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::DataStore> >') for 2nd argument
                void push_back(std::string_view name, value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:143:8: note: candidate function not viable: requires single argument 'nodeData', but 2 arguments were provided
                void push_back(value_type nodeData);
4 errors generated.

CreateLibrary::cmperr: Compile error: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListTest.cpp:424:8: error: no matching member function for call to 'push_back'

CreateLibrary::cmperr: Compile error: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListTest.cpp:435:8: error: no matching member function for call to 'push_back'

CreateLibrary::cmperr: Compile error: /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListTest.cpp:442:8: error: no matching member function for call to 'push_back'

General::stop: Further output of CreateLibrary::cmperr will be suppressed during this calculation.
StringForm[Initializing `1` indices ...., WordData]
/usr/bin/clang -dynamiclib -o "/Users/maxitg/Library/Mathematica/SystemFiles/LibraryResources/MacOSX-x86-64/Working-Arachnid-81850-297807360-2/DataListErrors.dylib" -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.12 -x c++ -install_name @rpath/DataListErrors.dylib -fPIC -O2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.12 -Wall -Wextra --pedantic -fvisibility=hidden -std=c++17  -I"/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/IncludeFiles/C" -I"/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/Links/WSTP/DeveloperKit/MacOSX-x86-64/CompilerAdditions" -I"/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include" "/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListCompilationErrors.cpp"  -F"/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/Links/WSTP/DeveloperKit/MacOSX-x86-64/CompilerAdditions" -L"/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/SystemFiles/Libraries/MacOSX-x86-64" -L"/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/lib/"  -framework "wstp" -l"LLU" -lc++ -framework Foundation 2>&1
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListCompilationErrors.cpp:15:7: error: no matching member function for call to 'push_back'
        dsIn.push_back(3.14);                                                             // compile time error - "Trying to add DataList node of incorrect type."
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:143:8: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'double' to 'LLU::DataList<LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor> >::value_type' (aka 'LLU::MContainer<MArgumentType::Tensor>') for 1st argument
                void push_back(value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:150:8: note: candidate function not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 1 was provided
                void push_back(std::string_view name, value_type nodeData);
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListCompilationErrors.cpp:24:2: error: call to deleted function 'addDataStoreNode'
        PrimitiveWrapper<MArgumentType::MArgument>::addDataStoreNode(dsIn.getContainer(), "", Args[0]); // compile time error - use of deleted function
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/MArgument.h:179:51: note: candidate function has been implicitly deleted
        void PrimitiveWrapper<MArgumentType::MArgument>::addDataStoreNode(DataStore ds, std::string_view name, value_type val) = delete;
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/MArgument.h:181:51: note: candidate function not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 3 were provided
        void PrimitiveWrapper<MArgumentType::MArgument>::addDataStoreNode(DataStore ds, value_type val) = delete;
In file included from /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListCompilationErrors.cpp:8:
In file included from /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/LLU.h:13:
In file included from /Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/DataList.h:17:
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/install/include/LLU/Containers/Generic/DataStore.hpp:210:3: error: static_assert failed due to requirement '!std::is_same_v<st_MNumericArray *, st_MNumericArray *>' "Do not use push_back templated on the argument type with MTensor or MNumericArray."
                static_assert(!std::is_same_v<T, MTensor>, "Do not use push_back templated on the argument type with MTensor or MNumericArray.");
                ^             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/maxitg/git/LibraryLinkUtilities/tests/UnitTests/DataList/TestSources/DataListCompilationErrors.cpp:36:7: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'LLU::MContainer<LLU::MArgumentType::DataStore, 0>::push_back<st_MNumericArray *, 0>' requested here
        dsIn.push_back(rawMTensor);  // static assert failure
3 errors generated.
Reverse strings - DataStore:          -7
1.4799 10s.
Reverse strings - GenericDataList:           -7
1.40598 10s. -4.99488% slower than DataStore.
Reverse strings - [In]DataList/[Out]GenericDataList:           -7
1.41398 10s. -4.45421% slower than DataStore.
Reverse strings - [In]GenericDataList/[Out]DataList:           -7
1.38441 10s. -6.45255% slower than DataStore.
Reverse strings - DataList:           -7
1.39232 10s. -5.91817% slower than DataStore.
Reverse strings - WSTP:           -7
1.38186 10s. -6.62493% slower than DataStore.
    Title: Test Report: DataListTestSuite.mt,
    TimeElapsed: 10.41 s,
    Aborted: False,
    TestsSucceededCount: 9,
    TestsFailedCount: 52,
    TestsFailedIndices: {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61},
    TestsFailedWrongResultsCount: 52,
    TestsFailedWrongResultsIndices: {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61},
    TestsFailedWrongResults: {
    2: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180907-E5N8N9,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, EmptyDataStore, {}, DataStore][],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000305 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 368 B
    3: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-O2B2Y6,
        ExpectedOutput -> LibraryFunction[…][foo, True],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][foo, True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, cfsa], foo, 1, DataStore object]},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000287 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 256 B
    4: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-B6P7O2,
        ExpectedOutput -> LibraryFunction[…][{}, True],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][{}, True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, cfsa], {}, 1, DataStore object]},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000315 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 264 B
    5: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-M6K4Z6,
        ExpectedOutput -> LibraryFunction[…][DataStore[{1, a}], True],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[{1, a}], True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, cfsa], DataStore[{1, a}], 1, DataStore object]},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000248 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 168 B
    6: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-Y4V3P7,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[{1, 2, 3}],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[{1, 2, 3}], True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000241 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 168 B
    7: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-S2C1I6,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[1, 2, 3],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[1, 2, 3], True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000242 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 272 B
    8: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-Y5Y7L3,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[1, 2, a],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[1, 2, a], True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000237 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 168 B
    9: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-N9I8U3,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[DataStore[1, 2, 3]],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[DataStore[1, 2, 3]], True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000248 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 168 B
    10: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-E8X1M1,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[ąę -> ąę],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[ąę -> ąę], True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.00025 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 272 B
    11: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-T8C7S4,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[{-3.14}],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[ -> {-3.14}], True],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000251 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 272 B
    12: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-X7K0J0,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[], DataStore[]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000245 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 384 B
    13: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-K0Y6L5,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000295 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 416 B
    14: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-T7W2E4,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.00025 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 416 B
    15: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-Y3R9B8,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.00025 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 280 B
    16: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180903-N7Z2V6,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]], DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PassDataStore, {DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore, Throws -> False][DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000257 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 336 B
    17: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180904-Z4Q5M1,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[DataStore[], DataStore[]], DataStore[DataStore[], DataStore[]]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[], DataStore[], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[], DataStore[], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000258 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 464 B
    18: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180904-N5U8F0,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], DataStore[Test string, Image[…], …, SparseArray[…], {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, -2.7, 23456, True]], DataStore[DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], DataStore[Test string, Image[…], …, SparseArray[…], {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, -2.7, 23456, True]]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], DataStore[Test string, Image[…], …, SparseArray[…], {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, -2.7, 23456, True], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], DataStore[Test string, Image[…], …, SparseArray[…], {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, -2.7, 23456, True], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000265 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 648 B
    19: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180904-I2U6H7,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], Test string, Image[…], …, SparseArray[…], {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, -2.7, 23456, True]], DataStore[DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], Test string, Image[…], …, SparseArray[…], {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, -2.7, 23456, True]]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], Test string, Image[…], …, SparseArray[…], {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, -2.7, 23456, True], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], Test string, Image[…], …, SparseArray[…], {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, -2.7, 23456, True], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000265 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 664 B
    20: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180904-J7W2N2,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], i -> Test string, h -> Image[…], g -> …, f -> SparseArray[…], e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, c -> -2.7, b -> 23456, a -> True]], DataStore[DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], i -> Test string, h -> Image[…], g -> …, f -> SparseArray[…], e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, c -> -2.7, b -> 23456, a -> True]]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], i -> Test string, h -> Image[…], g -> …, f -> SparseArray[…], e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, c -> -2.7, b -> 23456, a -> True], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]], DataStore[j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], i -> Test string, h -> Image[…], g -> …, f -> SparseArray[…], e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, c -> -2.7, b -> 23456, a -> True], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000264 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 1320 B
    21: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180904-U9J2V6,
        ExpectedOutput -> {DataStore[DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]], DataStore[DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe], DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting]]], DataStore[DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]], DataStore[DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe], DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting]]]},
        ActualOutput -> {PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]], DataStore[DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe], DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting]], True], PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, JoinDataStores, {DataStore, DataStore, Boolean}, DataStore][DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]], DataStore[DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe], DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting]], False]},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000262 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 520 B
    22: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180906-R1F1D5,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, Null],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, TestSelfReferencialDataStore, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, dsself]]},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000249 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 352 B
    23: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180906-E3A3S7,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], Null],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, TestSelfReferencialDataStore, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, dsself]]},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000226 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 280 B
    24: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180906-X6P9H5,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], Null],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, TestSelfReferencialDataStore, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[a -> True, b -> 23456, c -> -2.7, d -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, e -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, f -> SparseArray[…], g -> …, h -> Image[…], i -> Test string, j -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, dsself]]},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000224 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 288 B
    25: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180906-A6C8C9,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe], Null],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, TestSelfReferencialDataStore, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[DataStore[gormless, dietetics, sickish, exchequer, preexisting], DataStore[consequential, motorbike, slumber, militarize, teethe]]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, dsself]]},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000226 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 160 B
    26: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180906-Z7K0I0,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStoreNode passed to Node wrapper carries data of invalid type,
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, ReverseListOfStrings, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[aaaa, b, 2]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000063 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 448 B
    27: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180907-X0G8X3,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, ReverseListOfStrings, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000254 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 240 B
    28: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20200429-S3Y8K2,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[ahpla, ateb, ammag],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, ReverseListOfStrings, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[alpha, beta, gamma]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.00037 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 240 B
    29: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180907-U7I7O8,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[Keys -> DataStore[a, b, ], Values -> DataStore[1.0 + Abs[2.5]i, -3.0 - Abs[-6.0]i, 0.0 + Abs[2.0]i]],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, SeparateKeysAndValues, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[a -> 1.0 + Abs[2.5]i, b -> -3.0 - Abs[-6.0]i, 0 + Abs[2]i]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.00025 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 616 B
    30: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20200513-G3Y0I0,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[Keys -> DataStore[a, b, ], Values -> DataStore[1.0 + Abs[2.5]i, -3.0 - Abs[-6.0]i, 0.0 + Abs[2.0]i]],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, SeparateKeysAndValuesViaAdaptors, {DataStore}, DataStore, {}][DataStore[a -> 1.0 + Abs[2.5]i, b -> -3.0 - Abs[-6.0]i, 0 + Abs[2]i]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000517 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 1448 B
    31: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-S5C4D2,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetKeys, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000228 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 312 B
    32: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-J2I0I5,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetKeys, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[1]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000224 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 240 B
    33: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-S5H9Z0,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[x, x, y],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetKeys, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[x -> 1, x -> 1, y -> Image[…]]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000742 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 91512 B
    34: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-T1U8K8,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetValuesReversed, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000258 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 240 B
    35: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-S4T6Z9,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[0.0 + Abs[2.0]i, -3.0 - Abs[-6.0]i, 1.0 + Abs[2.5]i],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetValuesReversed, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[a -> 1.0 + Abs[2.5]i, b -> -3.0 - Abs[-6.0]i, 0 + Abs[2]i]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000276 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 456 B
    36: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-C7I2J6,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[…, 1],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetValuesReversed, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[a -> 1, …]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.00027 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 560 B
    37: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-C7DJ8D,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[{5}, {4}, {3}],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetValuesReversed, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[{3}, {4}, {5}]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000254 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 160 B
    38: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180907-J9A6U6,
        ExpectedOutput -> …,
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, FrameDims, {DataStore}, NumericArray][DataStore[Image[…], Image[…], Image[…]]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.001652 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 563448 B
    39: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180910-I1U7A9,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, StringsThroughVectorReversed, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000253 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 312 B
    40: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180910-Q5U3A6,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[portrait, sulphide, tuck, self-analysis, knickknack, daemon, amaretto, trophy, tabular, phi, kinsfolk, preamble, apace, viscountess, processed, testatrix, creaking, introspection, broth, shielded, inkblot, end, silkiness, floppy, yellowish, stucco, legacy, residency, pointer, suppository],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, StringsThroughVectorReversed, {DataStore}, DataStore][DataStore[suppository, pointer, residency, legacy, stucco, yellowish, floppy, silkiness, end, inkblot, shielded, broth, introspection, creaking, testatrix, processed, viscountess, apace, preamble, kinsfolk, phi, tabular, trophy, amaretto, daemon, knickknack, self-analysis, tuck, sulphide, portrait]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.010452 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 552 B
    41: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180910-J1W7Z6,
        ExpectedOutput -> $Failed,
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, IntsToNumericArray, {DataStore}, NumericArray][DataStore[]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, nanull], NumericArray]},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000067 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 240 B
    42: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180910-P0I5K7,
        ExpectedOutput -> …,
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, IntsToNumericArray, {DataStore}, NumericArray][DataStore[649312, 3003591, 804947, 941888, 2784510, 3040552, 3127824, 984981, 2352982, 3756970, 2057363, 3552771, 3750267, 777288, 3404605, 944473, 739009, 1757675, 2510569, 1737855, 2928121, 3929346, 3389423, 2847799, 2712079, 3802205, 877104, 3743004, 2757474, 3474446, 2967088, 3321235, 1610877, 4179124, 3329791, 3431109, 3666999, 1709889, 691848, 2906038, 4138107, 286162, 4128616, 634262, 2295731, 2615858, 3652107, 278866, 3654557, 2608855, 683686, 3265044, 2979309, 3480745, 3445857, 693685, 2197884, 469245, 910155, 2391609, 504023, 6181, 767808, 3208479, 2923087, 2976813, 3173173, 2356707, 3946467, 2394611, 95737, 3776029, 673603, 2858116, 3118939, 1079168, 1415390, 1031465, 1200895, 3357735, 3719061, 2105694, 3376918, 2834753, 237318, 3054631, 3818834, 418999, 2874718, 2875624, 4113232, 3973727, 799354, 1816186, 463960, 972655, 3236784, 2432482, 2123428, 1902924]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000279 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 4432 B
    43: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20190823-P9W5H6,
        ExpectedOutput -> 0,
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetLength, {DataStore}, Integer][DataStore[]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000253 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 160 B
    44: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20190823-L2D8R7,
        ExpectedOutput -> 4,
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, GetLength, {DataStore}, Integer][DataStore[x -> 2, 3, 4, y -> DataStore[]]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000254 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 344 B
    45: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20200401-L5V4B8,
        ExpectedOutput -> {5, 5, 5},
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, CheckSizeChange, {Integer}, {Integer, 1}][5],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000265 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 160 B
    46: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20200401-L5KJGB,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[True, True, bool -> True, mbool -> True, 23456, mint -> 23456, -2.7, mreal -> -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, complex -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, mcomplex -> 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, Tensor -> {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], MSparseArray -> SparseArray[…], …, NumericArray -> …, Image[…], Image -> Image[…], Test string, Test string, String -> Test string, RawString -> Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], DataList -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PullAndPush, {DataStore}, DataStore, {}][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000297 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 424 B
    49: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20200505-L9U9K6,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, Tensor -> True, SparseArray[…], …, NumericArray -> True, Image[…], Image -> True, Test string, String -> True, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string], DataList -> True],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, PullAndPush2, {DataStore}, DataStore, {}][DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string, DataStore[True, 23456, -2.7, 2.2 - Abs[-3.5]i, {{0.0230189, 0.70313}, {0.626302, 0.224928}, {0.412789, 0.0868262}}, SparseArray[…], …, Image[…], Test string]]],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000611 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 1064 B
    52: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20200508-D7S0D5,
        ExpectedOutput -> DataStore[DataStore[a -> True, b -> False], DataStore[2, 3, 5, 7, 11], DataStore[a -> 2.34, b -> 3.14], DataStore[2.0 + Abs[3.0]i, 3.0 + Abs[0.0]i, 5.1 - Abs[-1.23]i, 7.0 + Abs[0.0]i, 0.0 + Abs[11.0]i], DataStore[a -> x, b -> y]],
        ActualOutput -> PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, FromInitList, {}, DataStore, {}][],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.000554 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 936 B
    53: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180906-W5N4V0,
        ExpectedOutput -> True,
        ActualOutput -> Equal[PacletFunctionLoad[$PacletLibrary, ReverseListOfStringsWSTP, LinkObject, LinkObject][{deckhand, skin, boasting, synthetically, brawler, fraternal, pug, ... lots of words ..., decentralization, elvish, contemplate, professionalize, expiratory]}],
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 7.173501 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 4808152 B
    58: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-C4W5X3,
        ExpectedOutput -> Condition[{0, Pattern[n, Blank[]]}, Greater[n, 0]],
        ActualOutput -> {0, 0},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {Message[MessageName[LibraryFunction, nofun], Throws -> False]},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.001754 s,
        MemoryUsed -> 136 B
    59: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-R9U2G0,
        ExpectedOutput -> Condition[{0, Pattern[n, Blank[]]}, Greater[n, 0]],
        ActualOutput -> {0, 0},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.001373 s,
        MemoryUsed -> -464 B
    60: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-K7W7L1,
        ExpectedOutput -> Condition[{0, Pattern[n, Blank[]]}, Greater[n, 0]],
        ActualOutput -> {0, 0},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.001285 s,
        MemoryUsed -> -464 B
    61: {
        TestID -> DataListTestSuite-20180908-Z1Y1Q5,
        ExpectedOutput -> Condition[{0, Pattern[n, Blank[]]}, Greater[n, 0]],
        ActualOutput -> {0, 0},
        ExpectedMessages -> {},
        ActualMessages -> {},
        AbsoluteTimeUsed -> 0.001194 s,
        MemoryUsed -> -464 B

      Start  3: ErrorReporting
 3/13 Test  #3: ErrorReporting ...................   Passed   11.16 sec
      Start  4: Image
 4/13 Test  #4: Image ............................   Passed   12.52 sec
      Start  5: ManagedExpressions
 5/13 Test  #5: ManagedExpressions ...............   Passed    7.25 sec
      Start  6: MArgumentManager
 6/13 Test  #6: MArgumentManager .................   Passed    7.25 sec
      Start  7: WSTP
 7/13 Test  #7: WSTP .............................   Passed   16.61 sec
      Start  8: NumericArray
 8/13 Test  #8: NumericArray .....................   Passed    8.06 sec
      Start  9: GenericContainers
 9/13 Test  #9: GenericContainers ................   Passed    6.16 sec
      Start 10: Scalar
10/13 Test #10: Scalar ...........................   Passed    6.41 sec
      Start 11: String
11/13 Test #11: String ...........................   Passed    4.34 sec
      Start 12: Tensor
12/13 Test #12: Tensor ...........................   Passed    7.40 sec
      Start 13: Utilities
13/13 Test #13: Utilities ........................   Passed    6.04 sec

92% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 13

Total Test time (real) = 145.49 sec

The following tests FAILED:
      2 - DataList (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/TestWithOutputOnFailure] Error 8
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/TestWithOutputOnFailure.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/TestWithOutputOnFailure.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [TestWithOutputOnFailure] Error 2
rafal-c commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I tried with clang 12.0 on Ubuntu and could not reproduce, so apparently this is something specific to Apple clang. I will keep investigating.

rafal-c commented 3 years ago

Fixed in v3.1.0