Open stepelu opened 2 years ago
Consider the following code:
Options@FindRoots = Sort@Join[Options@FindRoot, {MaxRecursion -> Automatic, PerformanceGoal :> $PerformanceGoal, PlotPoints -> Automatic, Debug -> False, ZeroTolerance -> 10^-2}]; FindRoots[fun_, {var_, min_, max_}, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{PlotRules, RootRules, g, g2, pts, pts2, lpts, F, sol}, (* Extract the Options *) PlotRules = Sequence @@ FilterRules[Join[{opts}, Options@FindRoots], Options@Plot]; RootRules = Sequence @@ FilterRules[Join[{opts}, Options@FindRoots], Options@FindRoot]; (* Plot the function and "mesh" the point with y-coordinate 0 *) g = Normal@Plot[fun, {var, min, max}, MeshFunctions -> (#2 &), Mesh -> {{0}}, Method -> Automatic, Evaluate@PlotRules]; (* Get the meshes zeros *) pts = Cases[g, Point[p_] :> SetPrecision[p[[1]], OptionValue@WorkingPrecision], Infinity]; (* Get all plot points *) lpts = Join@@Cases[g, Line[p_] :> SetPrecision[p, OptionValue@WorkingPrecision], Infinity]; (* Derive the interpolated data to find other zeros *) F = Interpolation[lpts, InterpolationOrder->2]; g2 = Normal@Plot[Evaluate@D[F@var, var], {var, min, max}, MeshFunctions -> (#2 &), Mesh -> {{0}}, Method -> Automatic, Evaluate@PlotRules]; (* Get the meshes zeros and retain only small ones *) pts2 = Cases[g2, Point[p_] :> SetPrecision[p[[1]], OptionValue@WorkingPrecision], Infinity]; pts2 = Select[pts2, Abs[F@#] < OptionValue@ZeroTolerance &]; pts = Join[pts, pts2]; (* Join all zeros *) (* Refine zeros by passing each point through FindRoot *) If[Length@pts > 0, pts = Map[FindRoot[fun, {var, #}, Evaluate@RootRules]&, pts]; sol = Union@Select[pts, min <= Last@Last@# <= max &]; (* For debug purposes *) If[OptionValue@Debug, Print@Show[g, Graphics@{PointSize@0.02, Red, Point[{var, fun} /. sol]}]]; sol , If[OptionValue@Debug, Print@g]; {} ] ] f[x_?NumericQ] := Abs[x] Sin[Abs@x]^2 count = FindRoots[f[x*2], {x, -10, 10} , Debug -> True , ImageSize -> 300] // Quiet Length[count]
Using this kernel (via wolframscript) fails to produce the desired graphical output, I just get -Graphics-:
On Wolfram Cloud the plot is correctly displayed:
Is this a known issue?
I have the same issue in a different context. If I export the graph to PNG it works, so there has to be someway to get Jupyiter to show it.
Consider the following code:
Using this kernel (via wolframscript) fails to produce the desired graphical output, I just get
:On Wolfram Cloud the plot is correctly displayed:
Is this a known issue?