WolfwithSword / Bambu-HomeAssistant-Flows

A collection of HomeAssistant Dashboards and NodeRed Flows with a configurator to connect a BambuLabs printer to HomeAssistant through MQTT - based off of my Gists
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YAML Configurator not for A1 mini #1

Closed JoveCat closed 6 months ago

JoveCat commented 6 months ago

Your dashboards plug-in is great, but there is a problem. My printer is A1 mini. In the YAML Configurator, I selected A1 mini and AMS Lite, but in the generated yaml file, the image is always for X1. Is it because I didn’t select the right one? ?

WolfwithSword commented 6 months ago

Your dashboards plug-in is great, but there is a problem. My printer is A1 mini. In the YAML Configurator, I selected A1 mini and AMS Lite, but in the generated yaml file, the image is always for X1. Is it because I didn’t select the right one? ?

Just checked and looks like I had a typo in the generative code.

Fix is live now, could you give it another try?