WolfwithSword / Bambu-HomeAssistant-Flows

A collection of HomeAssistant Dashboards and NodeRed Flows with a configurator to connect a BambuLabs printer to HomeAssistant through MQTT - based off of my Gists
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Howto Update #9

Open dcbo opened 4 days ago

dcbo commented 4 days ago

Hi from Bochum, Germany,

I have installed Version 2.1.3: 2024-05-15 without any problems for an A1 mini using local MQTT: firmware A1 mini version (20240206)

Now i updated my A1 mini to: firmware "A1 mini version (20240612)" and everything still works fine.

My question now is: How do I Update the "Bambulab to Home Assistant NodeRed Configurator" to the newest Version 2.1.5?

WolfwithSword commented 4 days ago

Hi there! so I still need to write up an official update doc but here's the general idea.

1) Export your current flow in nodered as a backup to a json file 2) Delete the entire contents of the flow in nodered, deploy with it empty. If it complains about unused nodes, you can either ignore it or delete them (deleting them is cleaner). 3) Reconfigure the new flow on my site and import it. If it complains about duplicate nodes, this will be only if you had not deleted the config nodes it mentioned were unused earlier. In either case, you can click "import copy" and it should be fine, but may have an issue if you have many many printers.

For settings, before you export and delete your existing flow, you can double click in the "Flow Properties" and "Sensitive Flow Properties" nodes and write them down to see what you had before. If you didn't make any modifications manually later, you should be good with just configuring with the inputs on the site.

And since your LAN connection worked fine - I would highly recommend keeping it LAN connected in the new flow configuration too.