ItemStacks are a fundamental requirement of the GUI.
Therefor a good cross-platform API to create, manipulate and apply data to ItemStacks will make creation of cross-platform GUIs a lot easier.
For the alpha this API needs to be compatible with and provide native implementations for:
To make this work the implementations needs to support:
1.20.5+ data components
So far a bit tricky because of unknown platform implementation i.e. Spigot
Spigot/Paper ItemMeta API
Paper specific Adventure Components
Sponge custom data keys
Sponge key system (which is actually very similar to the 1.20.5+ data components)
ItemStacks are a fundamental requirement of the GUI.
Therefor a good cross-platform API to create, manipulate and apply data to ItemStacks will make creation of cross-platform GUIs a lot easier.
For the alpha this API needs to be compatible with and provide native implementations for:
To make this work the implementations needs to support: