WolverinDEV / BungeeUtil

BungeeUtils [Unmaintained]
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Sounds for 1.11 missing #32

Closed physanus closed 7 years ago

physanus commented 7 years ago

The sounds for 1.11 are not available, only the 1.9 and 1.10 sounds are configured.

How to reproduce: Just use ProxiedPlayerUserConnection#playSound() (used in Player#playSound()) Ex: ((Player) BungeeCord.getInstance().getPlayer("Dinnerbone")).playSound(SoundEffect.UI_BUTTON_CLICK);

Where to fix: dev/wolveringer/bungeeutil/sound/SoundEffect.java

Probably it is just copying the old sounds and pasting them using the 1.11 BigClientVersion PLUS adding (maybe) newly added sounds (not sure about that one).

WolverinDEV commented 7 years ago

Hmm yeah i saw it. Well im currently very busy so maybe (if you want) can you add the sounds locally and make a pr? Well i think this should be the easiest think, or you wait some time than i will do this (But it maybe toake some weks)


physanus commented 7 years ago

I will look into it once I got some time for it. In case you can do it yourself and I did not mention anything else in here, just go for it

kaerns commented 7 years ago

created a pull-request for it

WolverinDEV commented 7 years ago

I think essem2 did this work pretty good :D Thank you and i think i could close this issue :)

physanus commented 7 years ago

Yeah, thank you very much for doing this