WolverineFan / YNABLinuxInstall

Install script for YNAB 4 on Linux
174 stars 18 forks source link

YNAB has moved the download file #20

Open cconmy opened 4 years ago

cconmy commented 4 years ago

YNAB seems to have moved the download location of YNAB4 as well as the XML file used in the script.

Here's the output when it tries to download the app:

cconmy@mimir:~/Downloads/ynab$ perl ./YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl 
Would you like to:
1. Install YNAB4 and link Dropbox
2. Link Dropbox ONLY
3. Download YNAB4, install it, and link Dropbox
Select an option: [1] 3

Downloading the most current version of YNAB4...
Use of uninitialized value $DATA in pattern match (m//) at ./YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl line 398.
Use of uninitialized value $DATA in pattern match (m//) at ./YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl line 401.
Use of uninitialized value $DATA in pattern match (m//) at ./YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl line 404.

Validating installer...
Couldn't open file: No such file or directory at ./YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl line 21.

I was able to discover the YNAB 4 Download page here: https://www.youneedabudget.com/ynab-classic-help/

With a direct link to the current Windows download here: https://www-assets.youneedabudget.com/ynab4/YNAB+4_4.3.857_Setup.exe

Once I downloaded YNAB 4 from that source I was able to use the script to Install and Link.

Thanks for writing this script many years ago, it's still working great on Pop!_OS 19.10 all these years later.

axelson commented 1 year ago

In case it ever moves or updates in the future there's also an archive.org link which is what is used for the Arch Linux AUR package: https://web.archive.org/web/20190112221247/https://classic.youneedabudget.com/CDNOrigin/download/ynab4/liveCaptive/Win/YNAB%204_4.3.857_Setup.exe