WolverineFan / YNABLinuxInstall

Install script for YNAB 4 on Linux
174 stars 18 forks source link

[Solution for Dropbox link] WARNING: YNAB4 does not appear to be installed #26

Open Nindaleth opened 1 year ago

Nindaleth commented 1 year ago

Recent Wine versions switch new wineprefixes to Win10 by default, I don't know what else could have caused YNAB4 to install into a subtly different path. If you encounter the issue, try this patch:

diff --git a/YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl b/YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl
index c504665..9b73c75 100755
--- a/YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl
+++ b/YNAB4_LinuxInstall.pl
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ my $input = <STDIN>;
 chomp $input;
 $WINEDIR = $input if $input !~ /^\s*$/;
 my $WINE_DRIVEC_DIR = "$WINEDIR/drive_c";
-my $WINE_APPDATA_DIR = "$WINE_DRIVEC_DIR/users/$ENV{USER}/Application\ Data";
+my $WINE_APPDATA_DIR = "$WINE_DRIVEC_DIR/users/$ENV{USER}/AppData/Roaming";

   # Create the winedir, unless it already exists

To verify you're properly linked to Dropbox, open File -> Preferences and check Cloud Sync.

mistermelao commented 9 months ago

Thanks a lot, you saved me from installing Windows on a VM just to run YNAB and Dropbox.