WombatFromHell / OriginSteamOverlayLauncher

An executable wrapper for Steam to make third-party launchers more convenient to use with a Steam Controller
MIT License
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Multigame/command line support? #76

Open laplongejunior opened 2 years ago

laplongejunior commented 2 years ago


Is there a way to use OSOL's exe to run several games, or each "outlayed" game does require its own OSOL copy with a distinct .ini file?
Steam can start batch scripts thanks to some cmd tricks (https://gist.github.com/ryrun/3f6b0ed86c43381309ebd8d1af053597) , so being able to use OSOL with args would allow setups configured inside SteamLauncher directly

My usecase : I'm using RemotePlayDistanced (with args) to start OSOL who then start a game from Epic. That cleanly creates a Steam overlay with RemotePlayTogether available, but it seems each game will require to duplicate OSOL's files.
I'm checking if there's a way to have a "generic" OSOL for EGL, that would take the game's ID/launchUrl as an argument.

Thanks in advance,

WombatFromHell commented 2 years ago

Simply put: no.

I had planned to redesign OSOL to rely on a pre-launcher so only a single executable would be necessary (to ease configuration maintenance). I never got around to it due to work and getting side tracked with other projects.

With the release of the Steam Deck I might revisit redesigning OSOL to be cross-platform and address this feature request at that time (if I get the time to work on it). Thanks for the request though. I'll put it on my to-do list.