WombatFromHell / OriginSteamOverlayLauncher

An executable wrapper for Steam to make third-party launchers more convenient to use with a Steam Controller
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OSOL not finding the epic games launcher process. (EpicGamesLauncher.exe) #86

Closed AllenKll closed 10 months ago

AllenKll commented 11 months ago

I followed the directions on the wiki. OSOL is in separate folder. URI is set in ini file. I've tried all four EpicGamesLauncher.exe's (in portal and in Launcher directories)and always get the same results.

When I attempt to launch via double clicking the OSOL executable, Epic launcher comes up but game never seems to attempt to launch.

I see in the logs:

[7/15/2023 15:14:18] [NOTE] OSOL is running as: OriginSteamOverlayLauncher
[7/15/2023 15:14:19] [OSOL] Physical CPUs: 8 / Logical CPUs: 16
[7/15/2023 15:14:19] [OSOL] Found previous instance of launcher [EpicGamesLauncher.exe], relaunching...
[7/15/2023 15:14:19] [LAUNCHER] Launching process via: C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win64\EpicGamesLauncher.exe 
[7/15/2023 15:16:20] [MONITOR@EpicGamesLauncher] Timed out after 2.01m searching for a matching process: EpicGamesLauncher.exe
[7/15/2023 15:16:20] [OSOL] Launcher could not be acquired within 2.01m, cleaning up...
[7/15/2023 15:16:21] [OSOL] Exiting...

I have verified in the task manager that EGL is running... I mean, I can see it is running as it pops up.

Just for the heck of it, I tried setting ReLaunch=false just to see if it made a difference. It did not.

LauncherPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win32\EpicGamesLauncher.exe
GamePath=C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GuacameleeSTCE\Game.exe

I haven't even tried through steam, as OSOL won't even launch the game on it's own.

Side note, you can launch the game without EGL running, and so I tried to configure the game in this way, and launch through steam, and while it does launch the game, it is not recognized as a "Remote Play" game.

frpnit commented 10 months ago

Seems OSOL is timing out before finding EPIC Launcher process. Have you tried increasing PreGameLauncherWaitTime in your .ini file?

I've set mine to PreGameLauncherWaitTime=15. You can even try higher numbers, depending on your memory, CPU and if you are running on a SSD or HDD.

And, check my post here: https://github.com/WombatFromHell/OriginSteamOverlayLauncher/issues/84 If you close Epic Games and try to open again through OSOL, you can run on the same issue.

AllenKll commented 10 months ago

I think 15 is the default. I cranked mine up to 60. Made no difference. I have an 11thGen Core i7, 64GB ram, SSD, Geforce 3090 - I don't think my hardware is the issue.

The launcher opens, but the game never starts. - OSOL appears to not be finding the launcher, after restarting it - but when I set ReLaunch to false, it doesn't find it either.

Not finding the launcher is the problem. I even tried running everything in Administrator mode - no joy.

AllenKll commented 10 months ago

I just ran another test with Task Manager open.

Double click OSOL.. I see EpicGamesLauncher show up in task manager. OSOL times out indicating that it can't find a matching process.

This seems like a basic simple thing, and nobody else is seeing it. There's not many configuration options in the file, so I don't know the issue is. I believe this is not related to Guacamelee at all, but is an issue with the way OSOL looks for the EpicGamesLauncher.exe process, so I changed the title

Windows 10 if that makes a difference to anyone.

frpnit commented 10 months ago

Hmmm... Do you realize epic installs two launcher executables, right? One 32-bit and other 64-bit. I guess this could be the issue. Since you tried opening task manager, right click epic process, and select properties. Copy epic launcher path from there.

All i can say it finds epic process perfectly here. Give it a try, tell me if it helps :)

Edit: i saw your config up there and it seems i may be right. Guacamelee is installed on program files (not x86) folder, so it indicates you are on a 64-bit system. So, by default, epic games launched is 64-bit version, not 32-bit as you were trying to search for.

AllenKll commented 10 months ago

It actually installs four launcher executables, and I have tried all four of them.

Either way all launcher processes are called by the same name. it doesn't find any of them.

It does manage to shut down the running one, but can never find the one it launches.

frpnit commented 10 months ago

On your first log, osol reports that the games is launched by: C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win64\EpicGamesLauncher.exe

Try putting that as launcher path. If not working, again, i insist you opening process properties on details tab on task manager. It will show you the current launcher path.

AllenKll commented 10 months ago

I did, just as you asked. I put C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win64\EpicGamesLauncher.exe as my launcher path,

Also I checked the details on task manager... it's the same.


AllenKll commented 10 months ago

Also another interesting thing.... OSOL doesn't exit. until I manually close the epic launcher... so it KNOWs it's there... but it still says it can't find it... very odd.

frpnit commented 10 months ago

Oh, that's really strange. Could you please post your last .ini after the updates i told you to do? I will try to figure out what else it could be.

Use details tab on task manager. It's better to force close isolated processes. And, since you have run epic launcher a couple of times, check if there are any epicwebhelper left in there. If so, force close them all before trying to test running your game through osol executable again.

AllenKll commented 10 months ago


AllenKll commented 10 months ago

No epicwebhelpers running, no epiclaunchers running. I also tried after a reboot.

WombatFromHell commented 10 months ago

That's very odd behavior. I'm testing the latest v1.09i pre-release build from the releases page right now against ABZU and it works fine. What version are you running?

AllenKll commented 10 months ago

I'm running Latest - 1.09f
I suppose I could try the pre-release. I'll get back to you.

AllenKll commented 10 months ago

Well shit. Looks like the pre-release must have fixed a bug, 'cause it worked. I'm always a little uneasy with pre-release software, but I guess it solves my issue.

WombatFromHell commented 10 months ago

I'm glad you got it resolved.

I'll go ahead and mark the pre-release build as the latest release build to avoid confusion in the future given how much of a time difference there's been between release builds up to v1.09i.