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bug: "Show More" button for Mentor bios is now invisible #224

Closed khairahscorner closed 2 weeks ago

khairahscorner commented 2 weeks ago

Bug Report

The "Show more" button is now invisible for mentors with long bios (appears missing but is only invisible)

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Mentors'
  2. check list of mentors for those with bios that cut off with "..."
  3. See error
  4. Scroll to area shown in the screenshots
  5. button shows up on hover

Expected behavior

The button should not be invisible - most likely a styling error


Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 6 25 45 pm Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 6 26 02 pm

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Proposed Solution (optional)

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Your Contribution (optional)

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