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Docker nginx config re-directs to port 4430 #230

Closed ksylvan closed 7 years ago

ksylvan commented 7 years ago

I'm running the wonderfall/boring-nginx image with this configuration:

    image: wonderfall/boring-nginx
    container_name: nginx
    # restart: always
      - "80:8000"
      - "443:4430"
      - /mnt/docker/nginx/sites-enabled:/sites-enabled
      - /mnt/docker/nginx/conf:/conf.d
      - /mnt/docker/nginx/log:/var/log/nginx
      - /mnt/docker/mail/ssl/selfsigned:/certs
      - /mnt/docker/www:/www

One of the sites-enabled is for www.test.net:

server {
  listen 8000;
  server_name www.test.net;
  return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

server {
  listen 4430 ssl http2;
  server_name www.test.net;

  ssl_certificate /certs/cert.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key /certs/privkey.pem;

  include /etc/nginx/conf/ssl_params;
  include /etc/nginx/conf/headers_params;

  location ~ ^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$ {
    alias /www/people/$1$2;
    index index.html index.htm;

  location / {
    root /www/files;
    index index.html index.htm;

The files installed in /mnt/docker/www are as follows:

├── files
│   ├── index.html
│   └── robots.txt
└── people
    └── abc
        └── index.html

When I try to get `/~abc/' I get the expected result:

$ curl -I -k https://www.test.net/~abc/
HTTP/2 200 
date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 06:27:08 GMT
content-type: text/html
content-length: 142
last-modified: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 06:05:09 GMT
vary: Accept-Encoding
etag: "59bf6215-8e"
server: secret
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
accept-ranges: bytes

But when I try the same with `/~abc' (note that there is no ending /) nginx redirects to port 4430:

$ curl -I -k https://www.test.net/~abc
HTTP/2 301 
date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 06:28:25 GMT
content-type: text/html
content-length: 178
location: https://www.test.net:4430/~abc/
server: secret
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block

Any ideas for how I can work around this?

ksylvan commented 7 years ago

Thanks to @kambiz-aghaiepour for this. Added this snippet to the site config to fix the issue.

location ~ ^[^.]*[^/]$ {
  try_files $uri @rewrite;

location @rewrite {
  return 302 $scheme://$http_host$uri/;