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[ nextcloud ] ResourceLocator can not find a web root (root: /apps2/deck, file: XXX.css) #257

Open clumsycat opened 7 years ago

clumsycat commented 7 years ago

description: After i set some apps, the page is very odd, because browser can't load correct css file. What can i do to fix this?

info in nextcloud.log

DECK {"reqId":"7Xq1Rob9MvJIm7p0iM8V","level":3,"time":"2017-10-27 11:24:05","remoteAddr":"MyDockerIP","user":"XXXX","app":"lib","method":"GET","url":"\/apps\/deck\/","message":"ResourceLocator can not find a web root (root: \/apps2\/deck, file: css\/deck\/bd5e80ef07099242f7d93f8b4a31507e-style.css, webRoot: , throw: true)","userAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/61.0.3163.91 Safari\/537.36","version":""} contacts {"reqId":"aqIfW2xO3acm083zzQlz","level":3,"time":"2017-10-27 11:43:25","remoteAddr":"MyDockerIP","user":"XXXXX","app":"lib","method":"GET","url":"\/apps\/contacts\/","message":"ResourceLocator can not find a web root (root: \/apps2\/contacts, file: css\/contacts\/bd5e80ef07099242f7d93f8b4a31507e-style.css, webRoot: , throw: true)","userAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/61.0.3163.91 Safari\/537.36","version":""}

lachmanfrantisek commented 7 years ago

There is a bug in the server caused by having a folder with apps outside of the root (like in this docker image). As a workaround, you can remove scss files from css folder for each app with problems. (Every app update will create them ones again.)

skjnldsv commented 7 years ago

Yeah, The server won't be able to fix this. This requires a nginx patch.