Wong-Innovations / TC4Research

A port of Thaumcraft 4 research to Thaumcraft 6
MIT License
11 stars 4 forks source link

Minigame Feedback #23

Open IcarussOne opened 4 months ago

IcarussOne commented 4 months ago

Regarding the minigame's procedural generation, have you thought about scaling difficulty based on the amount of observations and theories required for that entry? I feel like just having the difficulty scale up the more researches you do would easily be overwhelming especially if you have a lot of addons installed.

To spice it up a bit maybe the type of aspects that are generated depend on what type of observations/theories the entry had, so for example if Alchemy is required, you'll much more likely see Alkimia or Metallum on the board (could maybe even add a way to control this with GS/CT especially for aspects added by addons). The procedural generation is a great idea overall because it makes each playthrough unique when replaying the mod or any modpack that has it.

Wong-Innovations commented 4 months ago

Hi Icaruss, Thank you for the feedback. I would love for this issue to serve as a platform for ideas regarding the procedural generation. I decided on procedural generation for the sake of time (of which I have a limited amount) and compatibility with other mods. The procedural generation does progressively get harder but there is a cap to that. Regardless of how many notes complete you will not get a grid more than 10 hexagons or so in diameter, 6 aspects in the outer ring, and more than 6 holes in the grid to work around. I used the progressive difficulty system partly as a learning mechanic. Someone's first note shouldn't be large, having many aspects, nor should it include any tertiary or quaternary aspects. Since any of these would make research a large upfront endeavor that hinders progression rather than enhancing it. I think I would like to keep it this way to some extent although I'll marinate in the idea of complexity based on the original research's theory complexity.

I do however really like the idea of categorical aspect selection based on the theories/observations of the source research. I'd be happy to implement something like that if you'd be willing to propose a more complete list of which categories (alchemy, artifice, etc) would include which aspects.

In the meantime the mods GroovyScript (and eventually CraftTweaker) have compats that allow for the customization of research note aspects and complexity.

IcarussOne commented 4 months ago

@Wong-Innovations Made a list for potential aspects that have a higher chance to appear on the board depending on the type of category the research is from outside of Fundamentals because I think that category fits really well as a 'neutral' category. I looked through which aspects fit best for each category and balanced them out depending on the complexity (e.g. Alchemy has more secondary aspects while Eldritch has more quaternary).

Auromancy ``` Auram*** Aversio*** Ordo Permutatio* Spiritus** Vitreus* ```
Alchemy ``` Alkimia*** Aqua Gelum* Herba** Metallum* Mortuus* ```
Artifice ``` Aer Fabrico*** Machina*** Motus* Instrumentum** Volatus** ```
Infusion ``` Ignis Lux* Potentia* Praecantatio** Praemunio*** Vinculum** ```
Golemancy ``` Bestia** Exanimis** Humanus*** Sensus*** Terra Victus* ```
Eldritch ``` Alienis*** Cognitio*** Desiderium*** Perditio Tenebrae** Vacuos* Vitium*** ```