Wong-Jia-Jun / devops-capstone-project

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Set Up Development Environment for Customer Accounts Microservice #1

Open Wong-Jia-Jun opened 1 week ago

Wong-Jia-Jun commented 1 week ago

As a developer I need to set up the development environment for the customer microservice
So that So that i can start testing and developing the microservice

Details and Assumptions

* A local development environment is created.
* All necessary dependencies are installed. 
* Environment variables are configured properly.
* Documentation is provided for setting up the environment.     

Acceptance Criteria

Given a fresh development machine
When I follow the setup instructions
Then I should have a working development environment ready for the customer accounts microservice
Wong-Jia-Jun commented 1 week ago

As a developer I need to set up the development environment for the customer microservice
So that So that i can start testing and developing the microservice

Details and Assumptions

* A local development environment is created.
* All necessary dependencies are installed. 
* Environment variables are configured properly.
* Documentation is provided for setting up the environment.     

Acceptance Criteria

Given a fresh development machine
When I follow the setup instructions
Then I should have a working development environment ready for the customer accounts microservice