WongKinYiu / CrossStagePartialNetworks

Cross Stage Partial Networks
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Is there any article to cite your implementation of ResNeXt, ResNet50 and Darknet53? #22

Open pauliustumas opened 4 years ago

pauliustumas commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm writing an article and have found/tested your implementation of the following structures:

CSPResNeXt50-PANet-SPP CSPDarknet53-PANet-SPP CSPResNet50-PANet-SPP

The question is do you have an article which I can cite referring your implementation?

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago


Thank you for noticing our work, the bibitem of CSPNet is:

    Chien-Yao Wang, Hong-Yuan~Mark Liao, Yueh-Hua Wu, Ping-Yang Chen, Jun-Wei
    Hsieh, and I-Hau Yeh.
    \newblock {CSPNet}: A new backbone that can enhance learning capability of {CNN}.
    \newblock {\em Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
        Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPR Workshop)}, 2020.