WongKinYiu / CrossStagePartialNetworks

Cross Stage Partial Networks
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question about training time #44

Open ZhixinLai opened 3 years ago

ZhixinLai commented 3 years ago

I read the paper that you train the model in single GPU. How long does it take to train on a single GPU? Why not train on multi-GPU?

WongKinYiu commented 3 years ago

How long does it take to train on a single GPU?

about 1~2 month.

Why not train on multi-GPU?

it mainly becuz i have no money to buy more gpus, and i hope person who have no money like me can also make advanced research.

lrfighting commented 2 years ago

How long does it take to train on a single GPU?

about 1~2 month.

Why not train on multi-GPU?

it mainly becuz i have no money to buy more gpus, and i hope person who have no money like me can also make advanced research.

How to train? How do I use these cfg?