WongKinYiu / CrossStagePartialNetworks

Cross Stage Partial Networks
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Do you know why just one small change (1 line) greatly improves accuracy +0.7 on Pytorch-yolo? #9

Open AlexeyAB opened 4 years ago

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu Hi,

Do you know why just one small change (1 line) greatly improves accuracy + 0.7 on Pytorch-yolo? https://github.com/WongKinYiu/CrossStagePartialNetworks/blob/pytorch/README.md

Model Size NMS 1080ti fps BFLOPs AP AP50 AP75 cfg weight
CSPResNeXt50-PANet-SPP 512×512 0.5 44 71.331 39.2 59.5 41.8 cfg -
CSPResNeXt50c-PANet-SPP 512×512 0.5 - 71.734 39.9 60.1 42.6 cfg -

Full diff: image

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago


Hello, 273 epochs is not sufficient for training from scratch of panet. From the log file, I think it not yet converge.

In rethinking imagenet pre-training, they also shows that training form scratch need more epochs. image

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

So +-0.7 AP can be just fluctuation on early stages of training. Or partial-residual connections require more iterations for training than common-residual connections?

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago

I think both yes.