WongKinYiu / PyTorch_YOLOv4

PyTorch implementation of YOLOv4
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BottleneckCSP2 #369

Open ohjunee opened 2 years ago

ohjunee commented 2 years ago

Had the BottleneckCSP2 module been used in Alexey's paper also used in YOLOv4?

I wonder if this is updated from YOLov5 or in the YOLov4 paper.

WongKinYiu commented 2 years ago

it proposed by us at 2020/05/24 https://github.com/WongKinYiu/PyTorch_YOLOv4#development-log which can be find in yolov4's model zoo (yolov4-csp) https://hackmd.io/NFj2NrmqTcefjc2l94KjpQ?view the structure is not included in yolov4 paper, we directly release it on github at the time. and finally the architecture is describe in our scaled-yolov4 paper. yolov5's author implement this csppan into his own version and release at 2020/06/22 to build the most famous version of yolov5 (release v1.0).

ohjunee commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your answer.


Then "yolov4s-mish" in u5 branch.yaml, Is this model the same structure as yolov4-csp?

WongKinYiu commented 2 years ago

yolov4l-mish is as same as yolov4-csp. yolov4s-mish and yolov4x-mish are generated by same way from yolov5l to yolov5s and yolov5x at 2020/06/12.

ohjunee commented 2 years ago

Could I know that what role does BottleneckCSP2 in the YOLOv4-CSP's neck?

ohjunee commented 2 years ago

Is my question mentioned in the Scaled Yolo paper?

WongKinYiu commented 2 years ago

it is rCSP in Figure 4.

ohjunee commented 2 years ago

Is rCSP equals to reverse CSP dark layers in Figure 2?