WongKinYiu / YOLO

An MIT rewrite of YOLOv9
MIT License
292 stars 19 forks source link

Stabilize execution environment by fixing PyTorch, CUDA, TensorRT, and ONNX versions #29

Open PINTO0309 opened 1 month ago

PINTO0309 commented 1 month ago


Type of change

Please delete options that are not relevant.


Additional Information

Originally, I would like to push the successfully built Docker images to Docker Hub so that all users can just docker pull to finish building their environment without having to run docker build, but since I am outside your organization, I have given up.

docker build -t yolo:latest -f Dockerfile.gpu .

docker run \
--rm \
-it \
--gpus all \
-v `pwd`:/home/user/workdir \
-w /home/user/workdir \

python yolo/lazy.py task=inference +weights=v9-c.pt
