WongKinYiu / YOLO

An MIT rewrite of YOLOv9
MIT License
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Questions on Yolov9-MIT #34

Open tjasmin111 opened 1 week ago

tjasmin111 commented 1 week ago

Interesting repo. I notice the notation to predict/train models is totally different from regular YOLO. Is that correct? e.g. we can not call python yolo detect train dataset=data.yaml device=0,1. Is it correct?

Also, how does it perform against the original yolov9 in terms of mAP and speed?

henrytsui000 commented 1 week ago


Yes and no. The command lines are different. For example: Inference with a webcam can be done using python yolo/lazy.py task.data.source=0 or directly running $yolo task.data.source=0 in the command line. For more argument examples, you can refer to the HOWTO page. We will provide detailed documentation for the arguments in the future.


For your specific command example, you can use yolo task=train dataset=data.yaml. For multiple GPU training, use torchrun --nproc_per_node=gpu yolo/lazy.py. Currently, we only support detection tasks, but more tasks will be implemented in the near future!


This repository is the official implementation of YOLOv9. The theoretical results should be the same as or better than the original YOLOv9 in terms of performance and inference speed. Some functions are still in progress.

tjasmin111 commented 1 week ago

Thanks. So 2 recommendations: In the future, maybe we can use the exact arguments used in yolo for better usability? Maybe we benefit from adding classification task as well.