WongKinYiu / yolor

implementation of paper - You Only Learn One Representation: Unified Network for Multiple Tasks (https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.04206)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Implementation of yolor in ML.Net pipeline similar to other yolo versions ? #234

Open SanKumSan opened 2 years ago

SanKumSan commented 2 years ago

Similar to other yolo models, yolov3 and yolov4, what changes should be done to use the yoloR onnx model to inference in ML pipeline. As we know, we need support classes such as ImageData, ImagePrediction and others to create a ML pipeline in .Net, how to modify these for successfull yoloR prediction.

I am not sure about the anchors, prediction layers and others in yolor, which are easily understandable in yolov3 or yolov4.
