WongKinYiu / yolor

implementation of paper - You Only Learn One Representation: Unified Network for Multiple Tasks (https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.04206)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue with using W & B #275

Open JedSolo opened 1 year ago

JedSolo commented 1 year ago

File "tune.py", line 336, in train results, maps, times = test.test(opt.data, File "/srv/beegfs02/scratch/aegis_guardian/data/Timothy/Solomon/yolor_pytorch/yolor/test.py", line 163, in test box_data = [{"position": {"minX": xyxy[0], "minY": xyxy[1], "maxX": xyxy[2], "maxY": xyxy[3]}, File "/srv/beegfs02/scratch/aegis_guardian/data/Timothy/Solomon/yolor_pytorch/yolor/test.py", line 165, in "box_caption": "%s %.3f" % (names[cls], conf), TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not float

ChenxMa commented 5 months ago

Try to modify "box_caption": "%s %.3f" % (names[cls], conf)", in "test.py" to "box_caption": "%s %.3f" % (names[int(cls)], conf)"