WongKinYiu / yolov7

Implementation of paper - YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors
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is it possible to run validation with a costum dataset using coco's pretrained model? where the class order is different and random. #1972

Open Mirshal opened 10 months ago

Mirshal commented 10 months ago

I have a problem related to validation using the costum dataset that I have with the pretrained coco model. where the dataset class that I have consists of 7 classes with the order ["vehicle", "motorcycle", "public transport", "becak", "truck", "person", "traffic sign"].

While the pretrained coco model consists of 80 classes in the order ['person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light', 'fire hydrant', 'stop sign', 'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep', 'cow','elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella', 'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee','skis', 'snowboard', 'sports ball', 'kite', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'skateboard', 'surfboard', 'tennis racket', 'bottle', 'wine glass', 'cup', 'fork', 'knife', 'spoon', 'bowl', 'banana', 'apple', 'sandwich', 'orange', 'broccoli', 'carrot', 'hot dog', 'pizza', 'donut', 'cake', 'chair', 'couch', 'potted plant', 'bed', 'dining table', 'toilet', 'tv', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'remote', 'keyboard', 'cell phone', 'microwave', 'oven', 'toaster', 'sink', 'refrigerator', 'book', 'clock', 'vase', 'scissors', 'teddy bear', 'hair drier', 'toothbrush' ]

how to solve the difference, because the results of precision, recall, and map are very low. I would be very grateful if you can help solve this problem. image

C-M-7 commented 10 months ago

@Mirshal Can we just fine-tune the pre-trained COCO model on your custom dataset with the 7 specific classes ?