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Framework for storing revisions of Post Meta #1190

Open abhansnuk opened 8 months ago

abhansnuk commented 8 months ago

Trac Ticket: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/20564

Owner: adamsilverstein

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

Heads up @WordPress/docs-issues-coordinators, we have a new issue open. Time to use 'em labels.

abhansnuk commented 8 months ago

Comment on trac ticket to see if this is for the Miscellaneous dev note and if there is a draft.

adamsilverstein commented 8 months ago

No draft yet, I will work on a draft today and share that here.

adamsilverstein commented 8 months ago

Here is a draft of the dev note for 20564: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ctRkft6qFCHAS3HmJGsBvsWosE7LrYV5mLho0breB28/edit?usp=sharing - Ideally I would like to get some feedback from other contributors before posting to make sure I got it right, made things clear and didn't miss anything.

nalininsbs commented 8 months ago

Thank you @adamsilverstein .

nalininsbs commented 8 months ago

Link to follow up on technical feedback.

Update: link to this updated, and also shared in documentation.

abhansnuk commented 8 months ago

Technical review on Google doc thanks to Jorbin and westonruter. Comments / discussion back with @adamsilverstein (core slack).

Then second review. If Field Guide published, then add link and remove reference of note to follow.

Field Guide draft has a sentence and text on dev note to follow. Message in release leads to verify publication of FG.

adamsilverstein commented 8 months ago

I have reviewed Jorbin and Weston's feedback and incorporated their suggestions. The doc is ready for a second review.

abhansnuk commented 8 months ago

@adamsilverstein second review in the google doc has now been completed. Comments on the doc.

Thanks to Weston and Jorbin for responding to the urgent call for the detailed tech review.

Can you please add the dev note to the P2, with short text in the excerpt field too. Please let me know when this is ready to add tags and publish. Thanks so much for all your work on this and the feature.

Update: the Field Guide has been published. We can add this dev note to it as an update. The plugins email will go, I expect, Tuesday. So if this is ready before, we will try to get an update in the FG before that. But recognize this may not be possible.

adamsilverstein commented 8 months ago

Is it likely that this would be possible in the next two hours and we look to hold the Field Guide for it?

Sure, i will work on that shortly.

adamsilverstein commented 8 months ago

@abhansnuk - posted a draft here - https://make.wordpress.org/core/wp-admin/post.php?post=109302&action=edit I added the dev-note tag, feel free to add a category / tags, make any final edits and publish. Let me know if you have any questions or remaining tasks for me.

nalininsbs commented 8 months ago

Thank you @adamsilverstein and @abhansnuk for publishing. Abha added to Field Guide. Do we need to log like for end user with update? https://make.wordpress.org/core/2023/10/24/framework-for-storing-revisions-of-post-meta-in-6-4/ Thank you @aaronjorbin and @westonruter for technical review.